embeddedartistry / libc

libc targeted for embedded systems usage. Reduced set of functionality (due to embedded nature). Chosen for portability and quick bringup.
MIT License
510 stars 67 forks source link

ea-nightly/libc/master: #52 Failed #107

Closed phillipjohnston closed 5 years ago

phillipjohnston commented 5 years ago

Build ea-nightly/libc/master #52 Failed

View full output

Change log:

Last 75 of output:

[...truncated 5420 lines...]
 > git rev-parse HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10
[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] Git blame errors:
[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] - no blame results for request <src/gdtoa/src/strtod.c - [770, 933, 1005]>.

[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] Git blame errors:
[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] - no blame results for request <src/gdtoa/src/strtodg.c - [1387]>.

[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] Git blame errors:
[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] - no blame results for request <src/gdtoa/src/gdtoa.c - [370]>.

[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] Git blame errors:
[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] - no blame results for request <src/gdtoa/src/qnan.c - [85, 102, 87, 89]>.

[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] Git blame errors:
[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] - no blame results for request <src/gdtoa/src/arithchk.c - [83, 55, 110]>.

[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] Git blame errors:
[CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] - no blame results for request <src/gdtoa/src/dtoa.c - [914]>.

[CPPCheck] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[CPPCheck] Resolving absolute file names for all issues in workspace '/Users/pjohnston/.jenkins/workspace/ea-nightly_libc_master'
[CPPCheck] -> 9 resolved, 0 unresolved, 0 already resolved
[CPPCheck] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or Manifest.mf files)
[CPPCheck] -> resolved module names for 17 issues
[CPPCheck] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[CPPCheck] -> resolved package names of 9 affected files
[CPPCheck] No filter has been set, publishing all 17 issues
[CPPCheck] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[CPPCheck] -> created fingerprints for 17 issues
[CPPCheck] Invoking Git blamer to create author and commit information for all affected files
[CPPCheck] GIT_COMMIT env = 'HEAD'
[CPPCheck] Git working tree = '/Users/pjohnston/.jenkins/workspace/ea-nightly_libc_master'
[CPPCheck] Git commit ID = '166491f1eef5621b362b39eef866f2e6d2238059'
[CPPCheck] Job workspace = '/Users/pjohnston/.jenkins/workspace/ea-nightly_libc_master'
[CPPCheck] Created blame requests for 9 files - invoking Git blame on agent for each of the requests
[CPPCheck] -> blamed authors of issues in 9 files
[CPPCheck] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/Users/pjohnston/.jenkins/jobs/ea-nightly/jobs/libc/branches/master/builds/52/files-with-issues'
[CPPCheck] -> 9 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[CPPCheck] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'cppcheck' to run 'ea-nightly/libc/master #52'.
[CPPCheck] No valid reference build found that meets the criteria (NO_JOB_FAILURE - SUCCESSFUL_QUALITY_GATE)
[CPPCheck] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[CPPCheck] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[CPPCheck] Enabling health report (Healthy=5, Unhealthy=10, Minimum Severity=LOW)
[CPPCheck] Created analysis result for 17 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[Pipeline] echo
Sending slack message: <|ea-nightly/libc/master #52>: *FAILED*
- `0dd85af`: update build submodule [Phillip Johnston]
- `8b8159d`: Update jenkinsfiles for new warnings-ng plugin [Phillip Johnston]
- `c41efd4`: Temporarily increase limits for quality gates [Phillip Johnston]
- `25dc8b0`: Rename crt0.S to address build failure when case-sensitive filenames are [Phillip Johnston]
- `a641f43`: Fully disable quality gates for the time being... gdtoa needs serious [Phillip Johnston]
- `3a39dec`: Re-enable clang analyzer step [Phillip Johnston]
- `166491f`: Set a reference job for calculating warning/error Deltas [Phillip Johnston]

[Pipeline] slackSend
Slack Send Pipeline step running, values are - baseUrl: https://embeddedartistry.slack.com/services/hooks/jenkins-ci/, teamDomain: embeddedartistry, channel: , color: #E74C3C, botUser: true, tokenCredentialId: slack-token, iconEmoji <empty>, username <empty>
ERROR: Slack notification failed with exception: ok
ERROR: Slack notification failed. See Jenkins logs for details.
[Pipeline] echo
Deleting temporary tag
[Pipeline] sh
+ git tag -d 1.0.52
Deleted tag '1.0.52' (was f2c0802)
[Pipeline] sh
+ git config --get remote.origin.url
[Pipeline] readFile
[Pipeline] echo
Creating a GitHubPluginConfig for credential 4c01f168-ca25-483e-bc6d-8d105fc5fb70
[Pipeline] echo
Registering GithubProjectProperty for repo URL https://github.com/embeddedartistry/libc
[Pipeline] properties
[Pipeline] echo
Filing GitHub issue for ea-nightly/libc/master
phillipjohnston commented 5 years ago

Migration to new build server is complete. Closing.