embeddedt / ArchaicFix

Swiss army knife of bugfixes and performance improvements for MC 1.7.10
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Invisible bug when i put a mekanism cable next to a torch #52

Closed quentin452 closed 1 year ago

quentin452 commented 2 years ago

Archaicfix enabled

Capture d’écran_2022-10-29_01-14-37

Archaicfix disabled

Capture d’écran_2022-10-29_01-15-03

quentin452 commented 2 years ago

fixed by disabling disableBlockingChunkUpdates in archaicfix

embeddedt commented 2 years ago

@makamys Any idea why threaded chunk updates would cause this? I'm not sure.

makamys commented 2 years ago

Mekanism is probably doing something weird to render multiple blocks inside the same block. I'm going to revisit the issues of the occlusion tweak and the threaded chunk updating in the near future, I'll have a proper look then.

makamys commented 1 year ago

It happened because ForgeMultiPart nests block models. The torch block gets drawn as a "child" of the FMP block. Since it's a vanilla block, its rendering got skipped on the main thread. But of course, the render thread never rendered it either since it's part of a modded block.

To fix this, I made child models (which should only exist as parts of modded blocks) always get rendered on the main thread.