embeddedt / VintageFix

FerriteCore and ModernFix venturing into the stone age of 1.12
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What does 100+ errors means? `DynamicModelProvider: Failed to load model` #41

Closed Krutoy242 closed 1 year ago

Krutoy242 commented 1 year ago

After installing VintageFix, i got hundreds of new errors in debug.log file.

What do all these errors mean?
Does it mean that some of the VintageFix functionality does not work?
Is there any way I can configure VintageFix to fix these errors myself?

  1. 💥77 errors DynamicModelProvider: Failed to load model

    [Client thread/ERROR] [org.embeddedt.vintagefix.dynamicresources.model.DynamicModelProvider]: Failed to load model thaumicaugmentation:ward_foci_no_coremod
    net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoaderRegistry$LoaderException: Exception loading model thaumicaugmentation:ward_foci_no_coremod with loader VanillaLoader.INSTANCE
    at org.embeddedt.vintagefix.dynamicresources.model.DynamicModelProvider.loadModel(DynamicModelProvider.java:179) ~[DynamicModelProvider.class:?]
    Caused by: org.embeddedt.vintagefix.util.FastFileNotFoundException: thaumicaugmentation:models/ward_foci_no_coremod.json
  2. 💥4 errors Early load error for ...

    [Client thread/ERROR] [VintageFix]: Early load error for thaumicaugmentation:ward_foci_no_coremod
    java.lang.RuntimeException: net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoaderRegistry$LoaderException: Model loading failure
    Caused by: net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoaderRegistry$LoaderException: Model loading failure
    at org.embeddedt.vintagefix.dynamicresources.model.DynamicModelProvider.loadModelFromBlockstateOrInventory(DynamicModelProvider.java:119) ~[DynamicModelProvider.class:?]
    at org.embeddedt.vintagefix.dynamicresources.model.DynamicModelProvider.lambda$getObject$0(DynamicModelProvider.java:61) ~[DynamicModelProvider.class:?]
  3. 💥31 errors DynamicBakedModelProvider: Error occured while loading model

    [Client thread/ERROR] [org.embeddedt.vintagefix.dynamicresources.model.DynamicBakedModelProvider]: Error occured while loading model enderio:block_painted_double_slab#inventory
  4. 💥1 error FastFileNotFoundException

    [pool-12-thread-1/ERROR] [base]: org.embeddedt.vintagefix.util.FastFileNotFoundException: biomesoplenty:textures/items/gem.png
  5. 💥6 errors Suppressing further model loading errors for namespace

    [VintageFix item baking thread/ERROR] [VintageFix]: Suppressing further model loading errors for namespace 'betteranimalsplus'
  6. 💥1862 lines of FML.TEXTURE_ERRORS Its not actually VintageFix error, but was started to be printed after i installed VintageFix

    DOMAIN farm/animania
    domain farm/animania is missing 132 textures
    domain farm/animania is missing a resource manager - it is probably a side-effect of automatic texture processing
    The missing resources for domain farm/animania are:
  7. âš 18 warnings Cannot list resources from pack

    Cannot list resources from pack HammerCore Connected Models (com.zeitheron.hammercore.api.inconnect.EmptyModelPack)
    Cannot list resources from pack resources (com.teamacronymcoders.base.util.files.DirectoryResourcePack)
    Cannot list resources from pack CustomResources (lumien.resourceloader.loader.NormalResourceLoader)
    Cannot list resources from pack quark-texture-proxy (vazkii.quark.base.client.ResourceProxy)
    Cannot list resources from pack aquaacrobatics-new-water (com.fuzs.aquaacrobatics.client.model.WaterResourcePack)
  8. âš 4 warnings Path ... is not a valid model location

    [Client thread/WARN] [VintageFix]: Path mixins.sledgehammer.conarm.json is not a valid model location
  9. âš 33 warnings Can't preload sprite class

    Can't preload sprite class com.rwtema.extrautils2.modcompat.TinkersIntegration$2$1 (seen 151/50732 times)
    Can't preload sprite class net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader$White (seen 1/50732 times)
    Can't preload sprite class twilightforest.client.texture.GradientMappedTexture (seen 41/50732 times)
    Can't preload sprite class slimeknights.tconstruct.library.client.texture.GuiOutlineTexture (seen 40/50732 times)
    Can't preload sprite class net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelDynBucket$BucketCoverSprite (seen 1/50732 times)
    Can't preload sprite class net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelDynBucket$BucketBaseSprite (seen 1/50732 times)
  10. âš 2 warnings Texture ... was not discovered during texture pass

    [VintageFix item baking thread/WARN] [org.embeddedt.vintagefix.dynamicresources.model.DynamicBakedModelProvider]: Texture neenergistics:blocks/pattern_interface was not discovered during texture pass
    [pool-12-thread-1/WARN] [org.embeddedt.vintagefix.dynamicresources.model.DynamicBakedModelProvider]: Texture neenergistics:blocks/pattern_interface was not discovered during texture pass


embeddedt commented 1 year ago

Most of the errors are caused by 1.12 mods' models often being configured badly and can be ignored unless there is a visible issue in-game. The errors can be suppressed by changing mixin.dynamic_resources.hide_model_exceptions=false to true in the VintageFix config file, but I leave it on by default so that reported issues contain enough information in the log to fix the issue. It only prints up to 6 errors per mod to avoid the logging causing loading to slow down.

Krutoy242 commented 1 year ago

But what about this ~1900 lines of FML errors? Its about 2% of my whole debug.log file. They started to generate when i installed VintageFix.


embeddedt commented 1 year ago

I can add an option to suppress these in the next release.

Krutoy242 commented 1 year ago

Yes please. It would be nice to suppress errors that VintageFix causes.