Hi. I compiled the latest version and found a small bug in the popover component.
Probably happened when you converted to coffee-script...
Problem is that the popover/tooltip always disappears on mouseleave, but should only happen when its sticky. Just a matter of indentation + some code to get the tip_id
I fixed it, BsPopoverComponent:
didInsertElement: ->
@$tip = @$()
name = Bootstrap.TooltipBoxManager.attribute
name = "[" + name + "='" + @get("tip_id") + "']"
@$element = $(name)
@set "inserted", true
tip_id = @get("tip_id")
if @get("data.trigger") is "hover" and @get("data.sticky")
@$().on "mouseenter", ->
clearTimeout Bootstrap.TooltipBoxManager.timeout
@$().on "mouseleave", ->
Bootstrap.TooltipBoxManager.removeTip tip_id
@$().find("img").load =>
Hi. I compiled the latest version and found a small bug in the popover component. Probably happened when you converted to coffee-script... Problem is that the popover/tooltip always disappears on mouseleave, but should only happen when its sticky. Just a matter of indentation + some code to get the tip_id
I fixed it, BsPopoverComponent: