ember-addons / bootstrap-for-ember

Bootstrap for Ember.js
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how to add custom class / stylings to modal? #163

Open ryrych opened 10 years ago

ryrych commented 10 years ago

How can I extend BsModalComponent so that custom behaviour / properties is set there? I extended the main class and tried to use it using ModalManager.openModal but it wouldn't work.

Is there any documentation / example how to do it?

ryrych commented 10 years ago

Another question: can an extended component be opened programatically, or it has to be injected into DOM first?

mikeazo commented 10 years ago

@ryrych Did you try ModalManager.show

ryrych commented 10 years ago

As far as I remember I had to add a modal to the view (template) first to open it using ModalManager.show and I'd like to avoid adding it in such a way. If it's not true, please let me know. :)