ember-cli / broccoli-asset-rewrite

Broccoli plugin to rewrite a source tree from an asset map.
MIT License
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Fingerprint is appended wrong if files have the same name but different extension #63

Open tschoartschi opened 7 years ago

tschoartschi commented 7 years ago

I first posted this issue in Ember-Cli because I didn't know where to open this issue but after a discussion on Slack I think it better fits here. I just copy and paste it, the original issue is here (https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli/issues/7466).

When I build an Ember app with the production flag then the broccoli-asset-rewrite does a wrong rewrite of my assets. In my case this happens when broccoli-asset-rewrite rewrites the path to files which are generated by emscripten.

In my public folder there is another folder which is called assets and there is a folder emscripten. The build result of the emscripten is file called emscripten.js and a emscripten.js.mem file. In the emscripten.js file the path to the .mem file is specified like this: var data = {memoryInitializer: 'assets/emscripten/emscripten.js.mem'};. After fingerprinting the path is rewritten to assets/emscripten/emscripten-e9b1f2eed90901137ae71b1fa2427717.js.mem but the filename is still emscripten.js.mem. When I add the .mem extension to be fingerprinted in ember-cli-build.js then the path is rewritten to assets/emscripten/emscripten-93c4916db6cd46010fdec63ab09a2118.js-2de574db8bcd561db3c5f8221f2abd73.mem but the mem file is named emscripten.js-2de574db8bcd561db3c5f8221f2abd73.mem.

Right now we change the paths by hand, because adjusting the emscripten build is not that easy in our whole workflow. Would be great if there is a solution to this problem. I wanted to create some fix but I ended up at some mad regex in broccoli-asset-rewrite where I can not estimate the impact of a change. Furthermore I'm not sure if the bug really comes from there.

I created a repo which should demonstrate the issue: https://github.com/tschoartschi/ember-cli-fingerprint-problem To reproduce ember build -e production and check if the output in emscripten.js in memoryInitializer has the correct path to the mem file. I created two git tags, one with the fingerprinting settings I use and one without any settings. See: https://github.com/tschoartschi/ember-cli-fingerprint-problem/releases

Maybe this issue is related to https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli/issues/7149 because there the reporter also has the problems of two hashes in one filename

I also think this issue could be very similar to this one: https://github.com/rickharrison/broccoli-asset-rewrite/issues/57

Maybe also related to: https://github.com/rickharrison/broccoli-asset-rev/issues/94

Output from ember version --verbose && npm --version && yarn --version:

ember-cli: 2.16.2
http_parser: 2.7.0
node: 8.4.0
uv: 1.13.1
zlib: 1.2.11
ares: 1.10.1-DEV
modules: 57
nghttp2: 1.22.0
openssl: 1.0.2l
icu: 59.1
unicode: 9.0
cldr: 31.0.1
tz: 2017b
os: darwin x64
tschoartschi commented 6 years ago

@rickharrison any update on this issue? Do you need more information or is the issue report fine?

iqdoq-dfischer commented 6 years ago

Same problem here:

I want to include source map files of an external lib into my production build. I am including the .js file dynamically in index.html. I do not want to import it with app.import(..).

So in ember-cli-build.js I am including a funnel with file name xyz.js.map. Fingerprinting is enabled. After ember build, the source map reference in the xyz.js to the source map file xyz.js.map has been changed to: xyz-[hashvalue].js-[hashvalue].map

Correct would be in my opinion: xyz.js-[hashvalue].map

I guess the hash value is appended to every match on the defined fingerprinting file extensions (e.g. ['js', 'map']? The file extension matching should only match the extension part after the last dot. Today it seems to match every occurrence in the file/url.