❯❯❯❯ ember new quickstart
installing app
create .editorconfig
create .ember-cli
create .eslintignore
create .eslintrc.js
create .travis.yml
create .watchmanconfig
create README.md
create app/app.js
create app/components/.gitkeep
create app/controllers/.gitkeep
create app/helpers/.gitkeep
create app/index.html
create app/models/.gitkeep
create app/resolver.js
create app/router.js
create app/routes/.gitkeep
create app/styles/app.css
create app/templates/application.hbs
create app/templates/components/.gitkeep
create config/environment.js
create config/targets.js
create ember-cli-build.js
create .gitignore
create package.json
create public/robots.txt
create testem.js
create tests/helpers/.gitkeep
create tests/index.html
create tests/integration/.gitkeep
create tests/test-helper.js
create tests/unit/.gitkeep
create vendor/.gitkeep
WARNING: Ember CLI is using the global npm, but your npm version has not yet been verified to work with the current Ember CLI release.
npm: Installed dependencies
Successfully initialized git.
❯❯❯❯ cd quickstart
❯❯❯❯ ember install ember-cli-mocha
WARNING: Ember CLI is using the global npm, but your npm version has not yet been verified to work with the current Ember CLI release.
npm: Installed ember-cli-mocha
installing ember-cli-mocha
? Overwrite tests/test-helper.js? Yes, overwrite
create tests/helpers/destroy-app.js
create tests/helpers/resolver.js
create tests/helpers/start-app.js
overwrite tests/test-helper.js
install package ember-cli-chai
WARNING: Ember CLI is using the global npm, but your npm version has not yet been verified to work with the current Ember CLI release.
npm: Installed ember-cli-chai@^0.4.0
uninstall package ember-cli-qunit
WARNING: Ember CLI is using the global npm, but your npm version has not yet been verified to work with the current Ember CLI release.
npm: Uninstalled ember-cli-qunit
Installed addon package.
❯❯❯❯ ember g acceptance-test application
installing acceptance-test
create tests/acceptance/application-test.js
❯❯❯❯ ember t
Could not start watchman
Visit https://ember-cli.com/user-guide/#watchman for more info.
18:5 error 'visit' is not defined no-undef
20:12 error 'andThen' is not defined no-undef
21:14 error 'currentURL' is not defined no-undef
✖ 3 problems (3 errors, 0 warnings)
cleaning up...
Built project successfully. Stored in "/Users/cowboyd/Code/quickstart/tmp/class-tests_dist-dRq0BRvQ.tmp".
not ok 1 Chrome 69.0 - [undefined ms] - Global error: Uncaught ReferenceError: QUnit is not defined at http://localhost:7357/assets/test-support.js, line 23121
Log: |
{ type: 'error',
testContext: {},
'Uncaught ReferenceError: QUnit is not defined at http://localhost:7357/assets/test-support.js, line 23121\n' }
not ok 2 Chrome 69.0 - [undefined ms] - Global error: Uncaught Error: Could not find module `ember-mocha` imported from `quickstart/tests/test-helper` at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 252
Log: |
{ type: 'error',
testContext: { state: 'complete' },
'Uncaught Error: Could not find module `ember-mocha` imported from `quickstart/tests/test-helper` at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 252\n' }
not ok 3 Chrome 69.0 - [undefined ms] - Global error: Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: The tests file was not loaded. Make sure your tests index.html includes "assets/tests.js". at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 12510
Log: |
{ type: 'error',
testContext: { state: 'complete' },
'Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: The tests file was not loaded. Make sure your tests index.html includes "assets/tests.js". at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 12510\n' }
not ok 4 Chrome 69.0 - [undefined ms] - Global error: Uncaught Error: Could not find module `ember-cli/test-loader` imported from `(require)` at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 4168
Log: |
{ type: 'error',
testContext: { state: 'complete' },
'Uncaught Error: Could not find module `ember-cli/test-loader` imported from `(require)` at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 4168\n' }