ember-engines / ember-engines.com

Step-by-step guides for using the ember-engines to create composable apps
MIT License
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Quest: Ember Engines Guides MVP Tracking issue #55

Open villander opened 5 years ago

villander commented 5 years ago

Hello and thanks so much for helping out with the Ember Engines Guides! We need the knowledge you've gained over the years using ember-engines

High level tracking, in progress:

This section is purely for tracking how much work we still have left to do, in a very broad sense.


Building Engines

lifeart commented 5 years ago

Engines example repo - https://github.com/catz/eng-test

villander commented 5 years ago

thanks @lifeart I'll do a awesome demo with this work, adding more UI/UX.

abhilashlr commented 5 years ago

Also an architecture diagram on how engines work?

villander commented 5 years ago

Also an architecture diagram on how engines work?

this will be expose on #62, it already tracked on this issue. We need of great examples with ember-engines to clarify the purpose and how it works