ember-fastboot / fastboot-s3-downloader

A FastBoot App Server downloader for AWS S3
7 stars 24 forks source link

Supports tarballs and better downtime deploys #2

Closed bcardarella closed 5 years ago

bcardarella commented 8 years ago

.tar & .tar.gz archives are now supported

Changes the deployment strategy. Now the downloader will pull down the archive and extract it into a directory that is the basename of the archive. Afterwards a new symlink between that new directory and current is established. The app server is reading from current and will bounce when it changes.

This allows for shorter downtime as previously the downloader would tear down the app servr, remove the old code directory and replace it with the new code. Then the app server was brought back up. Depending upon the app size this could represent a few seconds worth of downtime.

In addition, in the event of wanting to fallback to the non-fastboot app when the app server is not running, by deleting the old code made this impossible. With this new strategy while the app server is offline you can have Nginx fallback to the index.html in the code directory. Or in the event of an app server crash during the download event the non-fastboot version is still available for use.

jeffjewiss commented 6 years ago

It's been ages, but any chance of this getting merged?