ember-fastboot / simple-dom

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TypeError: Cannot set property parentNode of #<Node> which has only a getter #87

Open hoIIer opened 3 years ago

hoIIer commented 3 years ago

In an ember fastboot.js app using jsdom I'm getting the following error when running the code snippet below:

TypeError: Cannot set property parentNode of #<Node> which has only a getter
    at removeBetween (/Users/eric/Projects/proj/proj/node_modules/@simple-dom/document/src/mutation.ts:65:22)
    at removeChild (/Users/eric/Projects/proj/proj/node_modules/@simple-dom/document/src/mutation.ts:17:3)
    at insertBetween (/Users/eric/Projects/proj/proj/node_modules/@simple-dom/document/src/mutation.ts:39:5)
    at insertBefore (/Users/eric/Projects/proj/proj/node_modules/@simple-dom/document/src/mutation.ts:7:3)
    at SimpleNodeImpl.insertBefore$1 [as insertBefore] (/Users/eric/Projects/proj/proj/node_modules/@simple-dom/document/dist/commonjs/es5/index.js:260:5)
    at NodeDOMTreeConstruction.insertBefore (/var/folders/9r/gp7xyl_j0l3flcwp78j7mjcr0000gn/T/broccoli-89288T7xicfBW5nOU/out-599-append_ember_auto_import_analyzer/assets/@glimmer/runtime.js:4283:1)
const { URL } = require('url');
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');

const { DOMParser } = new JSDOM().window;

module.exports = function() {
  return {
    buildSandboxGlobals(globals) {
      return {...globals, DOMParser, URL };

with app code:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { textToHtml } from 'proj/utils/markup-text';

export default class MarkupTextComponent extends Component {
  debugName = 'markup-text';

  get nodes() {
    const markdown = textToHtml(this.args.text, this.args.options);
    const nodes = new DOMParser()
      .parseFromString(markdown, 'text/html')

    return Array.from(nodes);
{{~#each this.nodes as |node|~}}{{~node~}}{{~/each~}}

Looking to see if anyone has any ideas on how to resolve?