ember-learn / ember-website

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Suggestion: remove usage of ember-data #1078

Open simonihmig opened 7 months ago

simonihmig commented 7 months ago

Suggesting to remove the use of ember-data here, due to these reasons:

Suggested alternative

export default const [ foo, bar ];

* the use of ember-data and generated json files fetched from ember-data adapter suggested we have a frontend/backend separation, which we didn't have really, as all was part of the same (frontend) build. The alternative suggested here does not change that, but has everything unified under an ESM/import/pull-based setup.

### Notes

This idea came up in my mind when I was looking to upgrade [ember-responsive-image](https://github.com/simonihmig/ember-responsive-image/) to the latest (beta) version, which has done the shift to pull-based imports and shifting build-integration from legacy broccoli hooks to native webpack loaders. So instead of referencing images by string-based globally unique file names, you would import them explicitly. But this doesn't play well with the setup we have here currently, as images _are_ referenced by their filenames as strings in the generated json, and that broccoli-generated json data does not allow to have imports or take part in the webpack build. The alternative suggested above would make this very easy however! This alone wouldn't justify doing this shift, but I think it makes sense on its own given the arguments laid out above, unrelated to any specific concerns of integrating the new version of the addon. "Killing two birds with one stone"
NullVoxPopuli commented 6 months ago

I'm in favor of this.

I think ember-data is unique enough where it al so deserves its own docs, so it can explain

data is too complicated of a topic (imo) to just be sprinkled here and there without deep dives.

simonihmig commented 4 months ago

@NullVoxPopuli are you talking here about removing/extracting ED content from the website? Because my point described with this issue was to remove ED from the internal implementation of the website!

NullVoxPopuli commented 4 months ago

ah I see -- I'm in favor of both. I believe ember-data also wants their own docs site, but they want all the same versioning infra the ember-source guides/docs have. (right now, they are building out a bunch of markdown documents in the repo)