emberjs / ember-cli-babel

Ember CLI plugin for Babel
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[Bug] browserslist and targets have no effect on the output of the build (potential performance problems as well) #417

Open NullVoxPopuli opened 2 years ago

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

Originally reported here: https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/19790

🐞 Describe the Bug

After some investigation here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69547969/with-babel-how-do-i-not-compile-away-class-properties-since-browsers-support And a minimal babel repro here: https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli/babel-transpilation-tests I expect that setting my targets to last 1 firefox versions would allow me to keep native class properties. and only transpile what is decororated.

I believe fixing this could provide a bit of a boost to everyone's build times. Today all class properties are transpiled to a time when class properties were not implemented in the browser).

πŸ”¬ Minimal Reproduction

πŸ˜• Actual Behavior

Living in the dark ages

πŸ€” Expected Behavior

Utilize support for native properties, private properties, methods, etc.

🌍 Environment

βž• Additional Context

See the comparison between these two files:

Input: https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli/babel-transpilation-tests/blob/main/input.js Output: https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli/babel-transpilation-tests/blob/main/output.js

This is correct. But when I add that input file to ember, I get this for the output:

/home/nullvoxpopuli/Development/tmp/my-app/my-app/input.js: Class private methods are not enabled.
  2 |   #a = 'hi';
  3 |
> 4 |   get #b() {
    |   ^
  5 |     return 'hello' + this.#a;
  6 |   }
  7 |

which... I guess is unrelated, but should still be fixed. Now, If I change the private methods/getters to public: I get this mess:

  var e, t, r
  function n(e, t, r) {(function (e, t) {if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object")})(e, t), t.set(e, r)} function i(e, t) {
    var r = function (e, t, r) {
      if (!t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("attempted to " + r + " private field on non-instance")
      return t.get(e)
    }(e, t, "get")
    return function (e, t) {
      if (t.get) return t.get.call(e)
      return t.value
    }(e, r)
  } r = new WeakMap, e = class {
    constructor() {
      var e, i, a, l
      n(this, r, {writable: !0, value: "hi"}), e = this, i = "g", l = this, (a = t) && Object.defineProperty(e, i, {enumerable: a.enumerable, configurable: a.configurable, writable: a.writable, value: a.initializer ? a.initializer.call(l) : void 0})
    } get b() {return "hello" + i(this, r)} get c() {return this.b}
  }, a = e.prototype, l = "g", o = [f], u = {configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0, initializer: null}, p = {}, Object.keys(u).forEach((function (e) {p[e] = u[e]})), p.enumerable = !!p.enumerable, p.configurable = !!p.configurable, ("value" in p || p.initializer) && (p.writable = !0), p = o.slice().reverse().reduce((function (e, t) {return t(a, l, e) || e}), p), d && void 0 !== p.initializer && (p.value = p.initializer ? p.initializer.call(d) : void 0, p.initializer = void 0), void 0 === p.initializer && (Object.defineProperty(a, l, p), p = null), t = p
  var a, l, o, u, d, p

which is way wrong.

kategengler commented 2 years ago

I was able to reproduce the ember output in babel-transpilation-tests by passing modules: false to preset-env (as ember-cli-babel does).

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

can we omit modules: false when building ember?

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

but also, what do modules have to do with class property transpilation? :thinking: maybe that's the babel bug?

kategengler commented 2 years ago

I have pretty much zero subject-matter knowledge here. From reading preset-env docs and from some commit history, it seems like cli-babel does it's own module stuff. No idea what the interaction between the modules and other transpilation could be.

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

as an experiment, I tried the following changes... to see if I can have any control over babel whatsoever... the answers appears to be no.

diff --git a/ember-cli-build.js b/ember-cli-build.js
index 48e94e9..b11292d 100644
--- a/ember-cli-build.js
+++ b/ember-cli-build.js
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ const EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');

 module.exports = function (defaults) {
   let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
+    'ember-cli-babel': {
+      useBabelConfig: true,
+    },
     // Add options here

the babel.config.js

 'use strict';

const { buildEmberPlugins } = require('ember-cli-babel');

module.exports = function (api) {

  console.log('ugh'); // <-- I can see this in the terinal

  return {}; // <-- I only added this because nothing I changed below seemed to affect the build output. 
  // ^ I would expect this to break the build... or at the very least babel should complain about running in to decorators
  //   and not having the decorator plugin loaded...

  return {
    presets: [
          // modules: 'auto',
          // targets: {
          //   // esmodules: true,
          //   browsers: ['last 1 firefox versions'],
          // },
    plugins: [
      [require.resolve('@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators'), { legacy: true }],
      // ...buildEmberPlugins(__dirname)
kategengler commented 2 years ago

I retract my comment about modules: false, since I cannot reproduce it's effect again. I'm puzzled but /shrug

oliverlj commented 2 years ago

Moving targets from const browsers = ['last 1 Chrome versions', 'last 1 Firefox versions', 'last 1 Safari versions']; to const browsers = ['> 0.6%', 'not IE 11', 'not op_mini all', 'not dead'];

let me add private methods in classes.

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, this doesn't solve my root issue:

class properties should not be transpiled away, babel is doing too much work


NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

When debugging this locally, I discovered the following allows native class transpilation: image (a change to ember-cli-babel)

and in my linked ember-cli-babel, updating browserlist

❯  npx browserslist --update-db
Latest version:     1.0.30001278
Installed versions: 1.0.30001066, 1.0.30001196

it was a bit behind:

Target browser changes:
- and_chr 94
+ and_chr 95
- android 94
+ android 95
- chrome 91
- edge 93
- edge 92
- firefox 91
+ firefox 94
- opera 78
+ opera 81
NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

This results in my output js having proper fields: image

and a file reduction of: standard new app, no actual code in it:

before ``` ❯ la dist/assets/ total 1.8M drwxrwxr-x 2 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 12 Nov 6 12:00 . drwxrwxr-x 4 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 7 Nov 6 12:00 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 0 Oct 25 20:47 my-app.css -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 6.7K Nov 6 13:20 my-app.js -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 8.0K Nov 6 13:20 my-app.map -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 1.1K Nov 6 13:20 tests.js -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 1.4K Nov 6 13:20 tests.map -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 79K Nov 6 13:20 test-support.js -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 97K Nov 6 13:20 test-support.map -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 0 Nov 6 13:20 vendor.css -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 2.1M Nov 6 13:20 vendor.js -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 2.5M Nov 6 13:20 vendor.map ```
after ``` ❯ la dist/assets/ total 1.8M drwxrwxr-x 2 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 12 Nov 6 12:00 . drwxrwxr-x 4 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 7 Nov 6 12:00 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 0 Oct 25 20:47 my-app.css -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 5.4K Nov 6 13:14 my-app.js -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 6.7K Nov 6 13:14 my-app.map -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 1.1K Nov 6 13:14 tests.js -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 1.4K Nov 6 13:14 tests.map -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 79K Nov 6 13:14 test-support.js -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 97K Nov 6 13:14 test-support.map -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 0 Nov 6 13:14 vendor.css -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 2.1M Nov 6 13:14 vendor.js -rw-rw-r-- 1 nullvoxpopuli nullvoxpopuli 2.5M Nov 6 13:14 vendor.map ```
NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

More importantly, on a slightly bigger app (still smol): https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli/limber

ember build --environment=production

I don't notice any size differences. :thinking:

before hashes are all messed up cause I think my yarn linking changed something ``` - dist/assets/chunk.02266f327fc7017b4ee2.js: 3.31 KB (1.52 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.1c2dca68da24b8146913.js: 18.01 KB (7.22 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.3205c7a85e8f728a503f.js: 1.38 KB (796 B gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.3ddd32b1200b6a36d63c.js: 41.3 KB (3.14 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.4ec1f6e9b206eeb40f46.js: 6.28 MB (1.52 MB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.a126d0fce8da2db3a3eb.js: 399.13 KB (136.79 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.a223687bc8b16f057675.js: 279 B (248 B gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.a40f403ae3edfb05ef53.js: 436.29 KB (122.13 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.d741dbd9bf21cec24f34.js: 2.09 MB (484.15 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.de90bf08e38eaefbb4c0.js: 872.49 KB (277.83 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.f919ae8573d014be007b.js: 53.26 KB (14.61 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/limber.3af9ba98984fa602106f541342f0cc28.css: 18.33 KB (5.14 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/limber.css: 29.66 KB (7.91 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/vendor.47e5b13a6c66903c00db8ae984063008.css: 5.9 KB (1.4 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/vendor.f795a98317800a0f8697b832711ba6ae.js: 738.71 KB (207.25 KB gzipped) ```
after ``` - dist/assets/chunk.04aa101d202566b53b47.js: 872.48 KB (277.84 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.24a5190acb6459d3d808.js: 399.13 KB (136.79 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.44f3400873c359552005.js: 278 B (247 B gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.54301774813e3fba5cad.js: 18.01 KB (7.23 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.6f64bdaebf690a50d2b1.js: 53.22 KB (14.61 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.aa6c5dca29c80d51b17e.js: 1.38 KB (799 B gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.aa8f618009c59129c97b.js: 2.09 MB (484.15 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.c2d016a5c14f08de5643.js: 6.28 MB (1.52 MB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.cc3ca74a0910fec0d6c3.js: 41.3 KB (3.14 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.e2f6165688dcf150a33c.js: 3.31 KB (1.52 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.f9541f54f9cd27efcd21.js: 436.38 KB (122.03 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/limber.3af9ba98984fa602106f541342f0cc28.css: 18.33 KB (5.14 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/limber.css: 29.66 KB (7.91 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/vendor.47e5b13a6c66903c00db8ae984063008.css: 5.9 KB (1.4 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/vendor.f795a98317800a0f8697b832711ba6ae.js: 738.71 KB (207.25 KB gzipped) ```
kategengler commented 2 years ago

There are some very small changes, easier to see when sorted:

before ``` - dist/assets/chunk.4ec1f6e9b206eeb40f46.js: 6.28 MB (1.52 MB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.d741dbd9bf21cec24f34.js: 2.09 MB (484.15 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.de90bf08e38eaefbb4c0.js: 872.49 KB (277.83 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/vendor.f795a98317800a0f8697b832711ba6ae.js: 738.71 KB (207.25 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.a40f403ae3edfb05ef53.js: 436.29 KB (122.13 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.a126d0fce8da2db3a3eb.js: 399.13 KB (136.79 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.f919ae8573d014be007b.js: 53.26 KB (14.61 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.3ddd32b1200b6a36d63c.js: 41.3 KB (3.14 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/limber.css: 29.66 KB (7.91 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/limber.3af9ba98984fa602106f541342f0cc28.css: 18.33 KB (5.14 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.1c2dca68da24b8146913.js: 18.01 KB (7.22 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/vendor.47e5b13a6c66903c00db8ae984063008.css: 5.9 KB (1.4 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.02266f327fc7017b4ee2.js: 3.31 KB (1.52 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.3205c7a85e8f728a503f.js: 1.38 KB (796 B gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.a223687bc8b16f057675.js: 279 B (248 B gzipped) ```
after ``` - dist/assets/chunk.c2d016a5c14f08de5643.js: 6.28 MB (1.52 MB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.aa8f618009c59129c97b.js: 2.09 MB (484.15 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.04aa101d202566b53b47.js: 872.48 KB (277.84 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/vendor.f795a98317800a0f8697b832711ba6ae.js: 738.71 KB (207.25 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.f9541f54f9cd27efcd21.js: 436.38 KB (122.03 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.24a5190acb6459d3d808.js: 399.13 KB (136.79 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.6f64bdaebf690a50d2b1.js: 53.22 KB (14.61 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.cc3ca74a0910fec0d6c3.js: 41.3 KB (3.14 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/limber.css: 29.66 KB (7.91 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/limber.3af9ba98984fa602106f541342f0cc28.css: 18.33 KB (5.14 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.54301774813e3fba5cad.js: 18.01 KB (7.23 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/vendor.47e5b13a6c66903c00db8ae984063008.css: 5.9 KB (1.4 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.e2f6165688dcf150a33c.js: 3.31 KB (1.52 KB gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.aa6c5dca29c80d51b17e.js: 1.38 KB (799 B gzipped) - dist/assets/chunk.44f3400873c359552005.js: 278 B (247 B gzipped) ```
NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

It seems there is different behavior in production builds :thinking: I've yet to figure out how to retain class property assignment in production builds.

For example, this same app, but in a development build. (now with sorted sizes, thanks!!!!)

ember build --environment="development"
Before ``` ❯ la dist/assets/ --sort size total 8.7M 9.3M Nov 6 21:18 chunk.492823d7f6cf487a4f95.js 3.7M Nov 6 21:18 chunk.25a83d3433a76f959c91.js 3.1M Nov 6 21:18 vendor.map 2.6M Nov 6 21:18 vendor.js 1.7M Nov 6 21:18 chunk.278c24c6a5246e31c3d5.js 1.4M Nov 6 21:18 chunk.a4d40ba6cdb184cd22c6.js 661K Nov 6 21:18 chunk.039933d153d921b042ce.js 577K Nov 6 21:18 bundle.html 548K Nov 6 21:18 chunk.5561052f2fffe029e4fb.js 223K Nov 6 21:18 chunk.7e8165ef2799e8cb92be.js 78K Nov 6 21:18 test-support.map 64K Nov 6 21:18 test-support.js 56K Nov 6 21:18 chunk.c6c5c880c00af7a96495.js 54K Nov 6 21:18 chunk.78a3dd08f2783e7bf509.js 42K Nov 6 21:18 chunk.424d14eef482d6a5d3db.js 30K Nov 6 21:18 limber.css 15K Nov 6 21:18 chunk.ec17c079b01f5944f895.js 14K Nov 6 21:18 test-support.css.map 11K Nov 6 21:18 vendor.css.map 9.8K Nov 6 21:18 test-support.css 8.0K Nov 6 21:18 chunk.2573767c438da8ce1b29.js 7.7K Nov 6 21:18 vendor.css 5.7K Nov 6 21:18 chunk.4fdb358b58ce70a4d904.js 1.1K Nov 6 21:18 chunk.61786fecb26d0f954064.js ```
After ``` total 8.7M 9.3M Nov 6 21:20 chunk.d86d10af1c7b14d36937.js 3.7M Nov 6 21:20 chunk.3f85e9e9f4b1c57739fa.js 3.1M Nov 6 21:20 vendor.map 2.6M Nov 6 21:20 vendor.js 1.7M Nov 6 21:20 chunk.e5165ddeebc1770758cf.js 1.4M Nov 6 21:20 chunk.6fd23a797bac42050508.js 661K Nov 6 21:20 chunk.6c3eb8b409ae91a12db3.js 578K Nov 6 21:20 bundle.html 548K Nov 6 21:20 chunk.5561052f2fffe029e4fb.js 216K Nov 6 21:20 chunk.c09b98e94353dca684df.js 78K Nov 6 21:20 test-support.map 64K Nov 6 21:20 test-support.js 56K Nov 6 21:20 chunk.30310909bcf7d86205a7.js 50K Nov 6 21:20 chunk.32fa93bd9e0c842652ad.js 42K Nov 6 21:20 chunk.424d14eef482d6a5d3db.js 30K Nov 6 21:20 limber.css 15K Nov 6 21:20 chunk.7ef78ff81928141e6bcc.js 14K Nov 6 21:20 test-support.css.map 11K Nov 6 21:20 vendor.css.map 9.8K Nov 6 21:20 test-support.css 7.7K Nov 6 21:20 vendor.css 7.3K Nov 6 21:20 chunk.1b63aa140ffb6736f75b.js 5.7K Nov 6 21:20 chunk.35afd689835f1817a99f.js 1.1K Nov 6 21:20 chunk.d28e8c4f64f415c7f13e.js ```

These sizes are more noticable anyway -- which is good, because anything I can do to help make development a bit faster, the better.

Most meaningful changes in these diffs:

I looked aver the readme again and noticed that there is a

babel: {
  loose: true

option available, but it seems that's only used for addons, not apps.

my diff here seems to be the only way to allow class properties to not be compiled.

diff --git a/lib/babel-options-util.js b/lib/babel-options-util.js
index ff49d6e..c3469ea 100644
--- a/lib/babel-options-util.js
+++ b/lib/babel-options-util.js
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ function _addDecoratorPlugins(plugins, options, config, parent, project) {
-        { loose: options.loose || false },
+        { loose: true || options.loose || false },

gonna try a bigger app - maybe the ember-website

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

ok, so I decided to go with https://github.com/emberobserver/client

one file (the app's js file) has ~ 2.7% smaller. (development)

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 years ago

so... I guess... do we ever not want loose mode? Is something deeper wrong here? in my babel-only repro loose mode was not needed :thinking: (nor was even specifying the class fields plugin) :shrug:

rwjblue commented 2 years ago

Presumably this is the same as https://github.com/babel/ember-cli-babel/issues/419#issuecomment-971787156