emberjs / guides

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[META] Improve the testing guides #1632

Open acorncom opened 8 years ago

acorncom commented 8 years ago

We'd like to see the discussion of testing in guides fleshed out in more detail (to encourage folks to test a variety of places). Please comment here as you see things that need to be done in more detail and we'll add them to the checklist below:

skitterm commented 7 years ago

As a newcomer to Ember, I'd like clarification in the docs on where I can use async test helpers (can I only use them in acceptance tests since that's where they're talked about?) and the best way to mimic clicks/keypresses/etc in integration tests (thought this$('#my-selector').click() was the way to go but according to #1815 it's not?)

skitterm commented 7 years ago

And in general, how to test async stuff in Ember would be helpful. I got confused over when to use andThen vs wait and when to/not to use the Run Loop.