emberjs / guides

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update dependencies to solve stack level too deep error on local build #2249

Closed jenweber closed 6 years ago

jenweber commented 6 years ago


Disclaimer, I have no idea what any of these dependencies are or what they do, whatsoever. I did bundle update and made some random changes to gemfile until I was able to run the guides app locally.


Definitely deploy to staging before merging. I will also test this in a clean environment. ~It will be a miracle if the Travis build passes.~ Somehow it passed. Yay?

locks commented 6 years ago

I am relatively sure this will horribly break because our code is not compatible with middleman 4 🤔

jenweber commented 6 years ago

I dunno, it runs ok... I will try moving it to 3 and see what happens

jenweber commented 6 years ago

I updated only the activerecord version and that seems to fix it.