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update create record documentation for ember relationships #2318

Closed karan-pathak closed 6 years ago

karan-pathak commented 6 years ago


jenweber commented 6 years ago

Thanks @karan-pathak, I think your edits make it much clearer what the purpose of these snippets are and how to work with the relationships. I like how you reference a few times that there are multiple ways to establish the relationships, and you tie it back into hasMany/belongsTo. I have just a few minor changes to request before we can merge. See my code comments. Thanks!

karan-pathak commented 6 years ago

Hi @jenweber, I've made the changes that you requested :)

jenweber commented 6 years ago

Thank you @karan-pathak! This helps address confusion that has come up multiple times in Ember Slack, particularly for new users.

Merged, closes #2307