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Exposing what versions are supported via ember-try. #8

Open tim-evans opened 9 years ago

tim-evans commented 9 years ago

@kategengler is an amazing person for making this, and I think it's a great way of showing what versions of ember are officially supported for addons. I would love to see this on emberobserver.com, and have the ability to filter addons by what version of ember I'm using.

cf. / shamless plug https://github.com/paddle8/ember-document-title supports 1.10, 1.11, and beta. 1.9 and canary are unsupported by omission.

kategengler commented 9 years ago

Current plan for this is to add a key under "ember-addon" in package.json for an explicit declaration of support.

It would look something like:

"ember-addon": {
  "versionCompatibility": {
    "ember": "> 1.13.1",
    "ember-data": "> 1.13.1"

Then we will support filtering & sorting based on compatibility.

We looked into doing it based on ember-try config but we have no way to check whether a particular scenario in the config is passing, and devs might want to test against scenarios that are not necessarily meant to work yet (beta, canary). I think an explicit declaration of compatibility is best. I also plan for a simple mode of ember-try that will run based on this versionCompatibility key.

tim-evans commented 9 years ago

Sounds great! The integration with ember-try is especially cool.

gcollazo commented 8 years ago

@kategengler what is the status on this? I want to use it on emberaddons.com also.

e00dan commented 8 years ago
