embl-cba / imagej-utils

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subsequent saves (ctrl+E) after the registration in BDV raise error #5

Open maximka48 opened 4 years ago

maximka48 commented 4 years ago

I open one Platynereis dataset (Platy_88_01.h5) in BDV/open multiple xml I make the registration pressing the 'r' button. Registration completes. I save the result to tiff with pressing 'ctrl+E' , it saves succesfully: I try to do it again with pressing 'ctrl+E', it fails with: ''' Exception in thread "Thread-13" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid range properties at javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel.(DefaultBoundedRangeModel.java:102) at javax.swing.JSlider.(JSlider.java:274) at bdv.tools.brightness.SliderPanelDouble.(SliderPanelDouble.java:99) at bdv.tools.boundingbox.RealBoxSelectionPanel.(RealBoxSelectionPanel.java:115) at bdv.tools.boundingbox.TransformedRealBoxSelectionDialog.(TransformedRealBoxSelectionDialog.java:118) at bdv.util.BdvFunctions.selectRealBox(BdvFunctions.java:353) at de.embl.cba.bdv.utils.BdvDialogs.showBoundingBoxDialog(BdvDialogs.java:612) at de.embl.cba.bdv.utils.behaviour.BdvBehaviours.lambda$null$4(BdvBehaviours.java:81) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) '''

maximka48 commented 4 years ago

seems to be resolved after the update today. I propose to monitor it one more week.