embl-cba / imagej-utils

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HDF5UnsignedLongAccessHack not working anymore? #57

Open tischi opened 2 years ago

tischi commented 2 years ago

...do we even still need this?

tischi commented 2 years ago


Are we still needing this for MoBIE? bdv.hdf5.ulong This currently lives in imagej-utils, and I am not so sure this is currently still working, due to some jhdf5 dependency updates... If we still use this, can I test it somewhere?

tischi commented 2 years ago

Also, if this really is still needed, I would think this would make sense to move this to mobie-io instead.

constantinpape commented 2 years ago

We would still need it to support segmentations in HDF5. We currently don't have a project that uses it (since we converted the platy data to n5). I would suggest the following:

tischi commented 2 years ago

Thanks! I am fighting with dependency issues, because I got confused which versions of Jhdf5 and Bdv are currently shipped with Fiji. It currently looks like I tried to be compatible with too new versions and may have to roll back the scijava parent pom in all our repositories:

Waiting for confirmation and advice: https://gitter.im/fiji/fiji and https://gitter.im/bigdataviewer/bigdataviewer-core Hoping to fix everything today.

constantinpape commented 2 years ago

@tischi I created a test project that need the ulong support for hdf5 to work properly: /g/kreshuk/pape/Work/mobie/platy-hdf5-test (It contains a segmentation called "cells" that will need it).

Like I said: it would be nice to still support it, but if this is keeping you from pushing out MoBIE-beta please go ahead without it and we can revisit this later; nothing we currently have "in production" is relying on it.