embodied-computation-group / Cardioception

Python Cardioception Package - Measuring interoceptive performance with Psychopy
GNU General Public License v3.0
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French version of Cardioception #59

Closed FredericBr closed 1 year ago

FredericBr commented 1 year ago

Hi @LegrandNico , Happy to see your greak work and your evolution since Caen!

We would like to use your software with the french version, but it does not seem to work. We use python 3.8 (or 3.9, but there is a lot of incompability version). Accordinf to my student , the version 3.7 does not work with PsychoPy.

Did you try this french version in the last day?



LegrandNico commented 1 year ago

Hi @FredericBr , thank you for reaching out.

It is likely that you are experiencing these kinds of incompatibilities when installing PyschoPy, which can sometimes be a hassle depending on your Python version. I would recommend using Anaconda as a package manager for your Python install, you should be able to make it works on 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9. You can use an earlier version of PsychoPy if the latest one is causing trouble (pip install psychopy==2020.1.2 in the Anaconda Prompt for example, that's the version we have been using on most of the Stim PC).

Once you have Psychopy installed, you can install Systole (if you want to record HR using the Nonin Pulse Oximeter) with pip install systole==0.1.3, and then cardioception (pip install cardioception).

If you still experience errors you can share the error messages here and I will try to investigate.

FredericBr commented 1 year ago

Hi @LegrandNico, It works well with this specific version of systole. Thanks a lot! Best.