embroider-build / addon-blueprint

Blueprint for v2-formatted Ember addons
MIT License
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File with two components only emitting one -- when forgetting to enable TS in rollup + babel config #257

Closed NullVoxPopuli closed 4 months ago

NullVoxPopuli commented 4 months ago

Here is the situation

source ```gts import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { TrackedArray } from 'tracked-built-ins'; import { registerDestructor } from '@ember/destroyable'; const original = { log: console.log, warn: console.warn, error: console.error, debug: console.debug, info: console.info, }; const LEVELS = Object.keys(original); const LogList = ; export class Logs extends Component { logs = new TrackedArray(); constructor(...args) { super(...args); registerDestructor(this, () => LEVELS.forEach((level) => console[level] = original[level])); for (let level of LEVELS) { console[level] = (...messageParts) => { // If our thing fails, we want the normal // log to still happen, just in case. // Makes debugging easier original[level](...messageParts); this.logs.push({ level, message: messageParts.join(' '), timestamp: new Date(), }); }; } } } let frame; function scrollToBottom() { if (frame) { cancelAnimationFrame(frame); } frame = requestAnimationFrame(() => { let el = document.querySelector('.kolay__log-list__scroll'); el.scrollTo({ top: el.scrollHeight, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth', }); }); } let formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB', { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric", fractionalSecondDigits: 2, }); const format = (date) => formatter.format(date); ```
output ```js import { template } from '@ember/template-compiler'; import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { TrackedArray } from 'tracked-built-ins'; import { registerDestructor } from '@ember/destroyable'; const original = { log: console.log, warn: console.warn, error: console.error, debug: console.debug, info: console.info }; const LEVELS = Object.keys(original); template(`
{{#each @logs as |logEntry|}}
{{format logEntry.timestamp}} {{logEntry.message}}
{{ (scrollToBottom) }} {{/each}}
`, { eval () { return eval(arguments[0]); } }); class Logs extends Component { logs = new TrackedArray(); constructor(...args1){ super(...args1); registerDestructor(this, ()=>LEVELS.forEach((level1)=>console[level1] = original[level1])); for (let level1 of LEVELS){ console[level1] = (...messageParts1)=>{ // If our thing fails, we want the normal // log to still happen, just in case. // Makes debugging easier original[level1](...messageParts1); this.logs.push({ level: level1, message: messageParts1.join(' '), timestamp: new Date() }); }; } } static{ template(`
`, { component: this, eval () { return eval(arguments[0]); } }); } } export { Logs }; //# sourceMappingURL=logs.js.map ```
babel.config.json ```js { "plugins": [ "@embroider/addon-dev/template-colocation-plugin", ["babel-plugin-ember-template-compilation", { "targetFormat": "hbs", "transforms": [] }], ["module:decorator-transforms", { "runtime": { "import": "decorator-transforms/runtime" } }], ] } ```
rollup.config.mjs ```js import { babel } from '@rollup/plugin-babel'; import copy from 'rollup-plugin-copy'; import { Addon } from '@embroider/addon-dev/rollup'; const addon = new Addon({ srcDir: 'src', destDir: 'dist', }); export default { // This provides defaults that work well alongside `publicEntrypoints` below. // You can augment this if you need to. output: addon.output(), plugins: [ // These are the modules that users should be able to import from your // addon. Anything not listed here may get optimized away. // By default all your JavaScript modules (**/*.js) will be importable. // But you are encouraged to tweak this to only cover the modules that make // up your addon's public API. Also make sure your package.json#exports // is aligned to the config here. // See https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/blob/main/docs/v2-faq.md#how-can-i-define-the-public-exports-of-my-addon addon.publicEntrypoints(['**/*.js', 'index.js']), // These are the modules that should get reexported into the traditional // "app" tree. Things in here should also be in publicEntrypoints above, but // not everything in publicEntrypoints necessarily needs to go here. addon.appReexports([ 'components/**/*.js', 'helpers/**/*.js', 'modifiers/**/*.js', 'services/**/*.js', ]), // Follow the V2 Addon rules about dependencies. Your code can import from // `dependencies` and `peerDependencies` as well as standard Ember-provided // package names. addon.dependencies(), // This babel config should *not* apply presets or compile away ES modules. // It exists only to provide development niceties for you, like automatic // template colocation. // // By default, this will load the actual babel config from the file // babel.config.json. babel({ extensions: ['.js', '.gjs'], babelHelpers: 'bundled', }), // Ensure that standalone .hbs files are properly integrated as Javascript. addon.hbs(), // Ensure that .gjs files are properly integrated as Javascript addon.gjs(), // addons are allowed to contain imports of .css files, which we want rollup // to leave alone and keep in the published output. addon.keepAssets(['**/*.css']), // Remove leftover build artifacts when starting a new build. addon.clean(), // Copy Readme and License into published package copy({ targets: [ { src: '../README.md', dest: '.' }, { src: '../LICENSE.md', dest: '.' }, ], }), ], }; ```

This is solved by adding TS to rollup and the babel config.

Reported an issue for SEO reasons (if you're going to use TS, don't forget to generate a project that supports TS).