embroider-build / content-tag

A rust program that uses my swc fork to parse GJS
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Add .npmignore to not ignore pkg/* folders #50

Closed NullVoxPopuli closed 6 months ago

NullVoxPopuli commented 6 months ago

Marking as bug because we have to publish over the 1.2.0 release because it's missing assets. 1.2.1 will have the built wasm files.

Problem revealed in https://github.com/embroider-build/content-tag/actions/runs/7201384902/job/19617380808#step:5:9 where the package is way too small, revealing wasm assets missing.

According to npm publish docs: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v10/commands/npm-publish

If there is a .gitignore or .npmignore file, then ignored files in that and all child directories will be excluded from the package. If both files exist, then the .gitignore is ignored, and only the .npmignore is used.


So this PR adds an .npmignore that doesn't ignore the pkg/node and pkg/standalone folders.

We have pkg/node/ and pkg/standalone/ in the .gitignore because all the files in these folders are generated, and wouldn't make sense to track in git.

Old analysis (which is now irrelevant) History on this is super weird Folks are saying that `ignore-scripts=true` should affect npm publish... and that... npm 9+ _does_ ignore all scripts, rather than scripts-from-deps-you-install https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/3707#issuecomment-1313573119 I don't agree with any of this, fwiw. imo, ignore-scripts shouldn't be all scripts... like, your own lifecycle scripts should be included here. I have a hunch unclear / reports-lacking-detail are partly to blame for broad confusion around how this is supposed to work :( People are confusing prepare and prepack as well. --------- _However_, The docs still say that `prepack` should be running: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v10/using-npm/scripts So... the investigation continues. `pnpm pack` - `prepack` runs - `prepublishOnly` runs `pnpm publish` - `prepack` runs - `prepublishOnly` runs, but it's too late, as the `tgz` has already been created, and is still missing the wasm files `npm pack` - `prepack` does NOT run `npm publish` - `prepack` does NOT run - `prepublishOnly` runs, but it's too late, as the `tgz` has already been created, and is still missing the wasm files NOTE: this repo uses `npm`