embroider-build / embroider

Compiling Ember apps into spec-compliant, modern Javascript.
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How do you watch addon changes / rebuilds under embroider? #1892

Open NullVoxPopuli opened 2 weeks ago

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 weeks ago

in the v2 addon blueprint, the default setup uses non-embroider, which relies on ember-auto-import's autoImport.watchDependencies configuration -- works great!

However, when switching to an embroider-only test-app, that config is no longer relevant, as embroider has taken over the full build.

I recall there was once an environment variable for telling embroider which addons to watch for development/rebuilding -- but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I asked our AI bot in the discord, and it told me EMBROIDER_REBUILD_ADDONS, from: https://dev.to/bendemboski/embroider-from-zero-to-route-splitting-in-3-5-weeks-5abo/

but, it seems like that doesn't work anymore? (or I gave it the wrong value, and maybe I need to PR some validation to the value of this environment variable?)

Thoughts? Is something broken?


ijlee2 commented 2 weeks ago

I believe it's not the environment variable EMBROIDER_REBUILD_ADDONS, but the package broccoli-side-watch, that you're looking for.

NullVoxPopuli commented 2 weeks ago

So something like:

const sideWatch = require('@embroider/broccoli-side-watch');

function watchLibraries(...libraries) {
  const paths = libraries.map(libraryName => {
    let entry = path.resolve(libraryName);
    let manifestPath = findPackageJsonUp(entry);
    let packagePath = path.dirname(manifestPath);
    let manifest = require(manifestPath);
    let toWatch = manifest.files.map(f => path.join(packagePath, f));
    return toWatch;

  return sideWatch('app', { watching: paths.flat() });

const app = new EmberApp(defaults, {  
  trees: {
    app: watchLibraries('library-a', 'library-b', 'my-clone-of-whatever');
NullVoxPopuli commented 2 weeks ago

Here is the code I actually ended up with (the above was just spit ballin'):


  "@embroider/broccoli-side-watch": "0.0.2-unstable.ba9fd29",
  "@pnpm/find-workspace-packages": "6.0.9",
  "package-up": "5.0.0"
some-file.js (as CJS) ```js 'use strict'; const { findWorkspacePackagesNoCheck, arrayOfWorkspacePackagesToMap } = require('@pnpm/find-workspace-packages'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const monorepoRoot = path.join(__dirname, '../../../'); /** * For a given "currentPath", we determine what packages (specified in the package.json) * are from the monorepo. * * @param {string} currentPath directory of the package, containing the package.json */ async function addons(currentPath) { const thisPackage = require(path.join(currentPath, 'package.json')); const { dependencies, devDependencies } = thisPackage; const allDependencies = [...Object.keys(dependencies || {}), ...Object.keys(devDependencies || {})]; const packageInfos = await findWorkspacePackagesNoCheck(monorepoRoot); const packageObjectMap = arrayOfWorkspacePackagesToMap(packageInfos); const relevantPackages = []; for (const [name, info] of Object.entries(packageObjectMap)) { if (!allDependencies.includes(name)) { continue; } // Info is an object of version => Object, but we only use one version throughout the monorepo // even if we didn't, for the purpose of discovering what is in the monorepo, we don't care about // what-would-be-extra-information. const actualInfo = Object.values(info)[0]; relevantPackages.push(actualInfo); } const inMonorepoAddons = relevantPackages .map((packageInfo) => packageInfo.manifest) .filter((manifest) => manifest.keywords?.includes('ember-addon')); return inMonorepoAddons.map((manifest) => manifest.name); } const sideWatch = require('@embroider/broccoli-side-watch'); async function watchLibraries(projectDir) { const { packageUp } = await import('package-up'); const libraries = await addons(projectDir); const promises = libraries.map(async (libraryName) => { const entry = require.resolve(libraryName, { paths: [projectDir] }); const manifestPath = await packageUp({ cwd: entry }); const packagePath = path.dirname(manifestPath); const manifest = require(manifestPath); if (!manifest.files) { return; } const toWatch = manifest.files.map((f) => path.join(packagePath, f)); return toWatch; }); const paths = (await Promise.all(promises)).flat().filter(Boolean); const relative = paths .filter((p) => { const repoRelative = p.replace(monorepoRoot, ''); if (!fs.existsSync(p)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn(`Path ${repoRelative} doesn't exist. It will not be watched.`); return false; } if (!fs.lstatSync(p).isDirectory()) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn(`Path ${repoRelative} is not a directory. It will not be watched.`); return false; } // NOTE: We don't have any libraries that don't need compilation today, // but we might some day. return !p.endsWith('/src'); }) .map((p) => path.relative(projectDir, p)); return sideWatch('app', { watching: relative }); } module.exports = { addons, watchLibraries }; ```

then in ember-cli-build.js

module.exports = async function (defaults) {
    const app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
        'trees': {
            app: await require('the-path-or-place-to-the-above').watchLibraries(__dirname),
simonihmig commented 1 week ago

Is that not working in general, or some special cases?

Because it is definitely working for me in the common case: test-app on Embroider v3 having a dependency on v2 addon, that is rebuilding.

Not entirely sure when broccoli-side-watch needs to come into play. Been using it for watching a plain npm package (no addon). This comment is also interesting: https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/blob/main/packages/broccoli-side-watch/index.js#L18-L20

NullVoxPopuli commented 1 week ago

Could be environment related, I suppose. I know watch behaviors are wildly different between machines that have watchman installed, vs using a native inotify -- though, I was testing this on MacOS as well, and embroider doesn't pick up changes from addons without the side-watcher.