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Extending Mesos for Storage and External Resources #4

Closed clintkitson closed 8 years ago

clintkitson commented 8 years ago

Mesos and Mesosphere are popular platforms for managing the consumption of data center resources and workloads. Recent enhancements to Mesos extend its management scope to go beyond resources supplied by individual cluster nodes. For example, Mesos can manage external storage from a platform such as ScaleIO. Stop by and learn about the data center of the future running Mesos.

cantbewong commented 8 years ago

Draft outline: Extending Mesos for Storage and External Resources

-What is Mesos

clintkitson commented 8 years ago

@cantbewong My thought here was to include in this discussion our thinking around extending the "offer" logic to external resources. I would weigh the talk less on SIO.

clintkitson commented 8 years ago

Demo idea https://github.com/emccode/EMCW2016/issues/31

cantbewong commented 8 years ago

Added draft ppt deck to google drive

cantbewong commented 8 years ago

posted completed deck to drive