emcconville / google-map-polyline-encoding-tool

A simple class to handle polyline-encoding for Google Maps
156 stars 40 forks source link

Update Polyline.php #13

Closed MiniCodeMonkey closed 8 years ago

MiniCodeMonkey commented 9 years ago

Small optimization. Using array_chunk(...) for the Pair(...) function

coveralls commented 9 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-0.24%) to 97.87% when pulling 8d5c438bc165bcc85851bb485c64a30c55bd6a29 on MiniCodeMonkey:patch-1 into 81843542e407d8d2a9b7bfe1c349aaf287841f17 on emcconville:master.

emcconville commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Please switch the target branch to pu, and I'll have this merged right away.

emcconville commented 9 years ago

This has been merged into proposed update (pu) branch.

MiniCodeMonkey commented 9 years ago


Great library btw! Using it for https://github.com/minicodemonkey/fooder / https://github.com/minicodemonkey/fooder-ios to decipher polylines from the Google Routing API.