emcniece / DockerYourXyzzy

Dockerized Cards Against Humanity clone - https://github.com/ajanata/PretendYoureXyzzy
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pyx volume empty, override properties not used. #12

Closed laundmo closed 3 years ago

laundmo commented 4 years ago

there are 2 issues that i feel are connected:

when building with docker-compose, the .pyx volume is created but its empty. reading the dockerfile and opening a shell in the container reveals that the volume should contain the contents of the /project folder.

at the same time, changes in overrides/build.properties have no effect. i tested this with anti spam settigns and blank cards, both have no effect.

docker-compose logs pyx result: https://pastebin.com/w7W6gCDa

emcniece commented 4 years ago

I wonder if the latest Dockerfile refactor deprecated overrides/build.properties. Can you get any overrides to work if you specify them in CMD a la https://github.com/emcniece/DockerYourXyzzy#run-with-overrides ?

emcniece commented 4 years ago

Yeah, it looks like the overrides directory is added (https://github.com/emcniece/DockerYourXyzzy/blob/master/Dockerfile#L22) but nothing is done with it after the fact.

Perhaps entrypoint.sh should append the overrides to the main build.properties on startup...

laundmo commented 4 years ago

would appending the overrides work? i dont know how the build.properties is read, so im unsure whether duplicate lines would cause issues, but if its as simple as appending, i can figure something out.

laundmo commented 4 years ago

it also seems that i was mistaken, the .pyx volume is not meant to contain the containers /project, its supposed to contain /output which is empty in the container, and im unsure what the purpose of that is

laundmo commented 4 years ago

changed the RUN in the dockerfile to include:

 && cp build.properties.example build.properties.a \
 && cat build.properties.a /overrides/build.properties > build.properties \

and prepended this to the CMD:

cat build.properties.a /overrides/build.properties > build.properties && 

it seems to work, but i configured it to use postgres as a database, the only issue being that the postgres database is empty, so all the queries fail...

edit: importing the cah_cards.sql seems to have worked, tho it should be noted that the docker compose file, as it is in this repo, is running a postgres container for nothing, since by default sqlite is used and postgres cant just be enabled in the config