emcrisostomo / fswatch

A cross-platform file change monitor with multiple backends: Apple OS X File System Events, *BSD kqueue, Solaris/Illumos File Events Notification, Linux inotify, Microsoft Windows and a stat()-based backend.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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failed to run c code linked to libfswatch on windows 10 #287

Closed uniqss closed 2 years ago

uniqss commented 2 years ago

windows 10 cygwin my code is really simple: github.com/uniqss/usync my build steps is like this:

sh autogen.sh

./configure WINDOWS_AVAILABLE=yes

make -j 8

make install

copy the dll


to your executable dir.

and my main code is like this:

#include "monitor.h"

#include "inc.h"

std::atomic_bool g_working;
std::atomic_int g_waitgroupTerminating;

FSW_HANDLE g_fswHandle;

#include <thread>
#include <chrono>

 * The following function implements the callback functionality for testing
 * eventnumber send from the libdawatch library. See FSW_CEVENT_CALLBACK for
 * details.
 * @param events
 * @param event_num
 * @param data
void my_callback(fsw_cevent const *const events, const unsigned int event_num, void *data) {
    printf("my_callback: %d\n", event_num);

static void usync_sleep_ms(int milliseconds) {

void *monitor_start_monitor() {

    int ret = fsw_start_monitor(g_fswHandle);
    if (FSW_OK != ret) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating thread ret:%d \n", ret);
    } else {
        printf("Monitor stopped \n");


    return NULL;

static int fsync_monitor_error_ret(const char *fmt) {
    int error = fsw_last_error();
    printf("libfswatch cannot be initialised! error:%d\n", error);
    return error;

int monitor_init(const std::vector<std::string>& paths, bool recursive) {
    if (FSW_OK != fsw_init_library()) {
        return fsync_monitor_error_ret("libfswatch cannot be initialised! error:%d\n");

    g_fswHandle = fsw_init_session(fsevents_monitor_type);

    if (g_fswHandle == NULL) {
        return fsync_monitor_error_ret("handle == NULL: %d\n");

    for (const std::string &path : paths) {
        if (FSW_OK != fsw_add_path(g_fswHandle, path.c_str())) {
            return fsync_monitor_error_ret("fsw_add_path failed. error:%d\n");

    if (FSW_OK != fsw_set_recursive(g_fswHandle, true)) {
        return fsync_monitor_error_ret("fsw_set_recursive failed. error:%d\n");

    if (FSW_OK != fsw_set_callback(g_fswHandle, my_callback, NULL)) {
        return fsync_monitor_error_ret("fsw_set_callback failed. error:%d\n");

    fsw_set_allow_overflow(g_fswHandle, 0);


    std::thread t(monitor_start_monitor);

    return 0;

int monitor_uninit() {
    if (FSW_OK != fsw_stop_monitor(g_fswHandle)) {
        return fsync_monitor_error_ret("Error stopping monitor. error:%d\n");

    if (FSW_OK != fsw_destroy_session(g_fswHandle)) {
        return fsync_monitor_error_ret("Error destroying session. error:%d\n");

    return 0;

I debugged with vscode and the code failed at monitor_factory::create_monitor, the type is not set. image I am not sure which type should be here. the value [fsevents_monitor_type] ? or windows_monitor_type? I have already rebuilt the whole fswatch project with ./configure WINDOWS_AVAILABLE=yes flag, still not works. Any help appreciated!

uniqss commented 2 years ago

use dmon instead. https://github.com/septag/dmon