emd4600 / Spore-ModAPI

A C++ library that allows you to create advanced mods for Spore (user interface, shaders,...)
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[Request] Add function with memory address 0xa138b0 (disc) / 0xa3b50 (March 2017) and related functions to the SDK #32

Open Tenderi4 opened 2 years ago

Tenderi4 commented 2 years ago

Said function(s) interacts with 0x40C0C100!base.soundProp and together seem to be factoring in what kind of voice a creature has depending on their mouth/model type (and based on conditions within the function itself).

For tribal creatures and NPCs in the adventure editor, their voice is determined by a string key mouthType that can be found as a value in their mouth parts.

For civilization, space creatures and captains, their voice is determined by default through the property 0x0B65639D, which while looking through the function in disassembly seemed to be fixed. By default, the property 0x0B65639D has the string value "MamA", which corresponds to the mammal sentient creature voice.

EDIT: As an added detail, the function is called whenever a creature needs to load a voice file, so it is possibly related to the Audio namespace and the AudioSystem class.