emdgroup-liquid / liquid

UI component library for the Liquid Design System of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
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Add FileUpload component #465

Open zemirco opened 1 year ago

zemirco commented 1 year ago

I know you already have the ld-input component with type="file".



It would be nice to have a more advanced file upload component to further improve the UX.

Let's have a look at other component libraries.

Ant Design https://ant.design/components/upload image

IBM Carbon https://carbondesignsystem.com/components/file-uploader/code/ image

Dell Design System https://vanilla.delldesignsystem.com/2.21.0/index.html?path=/docs/components-file-input--basic image

Edison™ Design System https://edisondesignsystem.com/file-upload?tab=2 image

Segment Evergreen https://evergreen.segment.com/components/file-uploader image

Shopify Polaris https://polaris.shopify.com/components/drop-zone#navigation image

As you can see some of them provide

🤞🤞 Maybe you could realize this ✨✨

borisdiakur commented 1 year ago

Design draft is available here: https://www.figma.com/file/UFHKrywqiCGP49EwN1Lq0c/%22Homepage%22?type=design&node-id=1802-132578&mode=design&t=PkP4r1xQDpn7d2hO-0