emdgroup / baybe

Bayesian Optimization and Design of Experiments
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Immutable search spaces #371

Open AdrianSosic opened 1 week ago

AdrianSosic commented 1 week ago

I currently see a larger set of problems that can all be traced back to the fact that our current SubspaceDiscrete class is mutable and we should consider making it immutable in the future. Here, I would only like to highlight a few of the problems so that they are not forgotten. We can then deal with them in autumn when I'm back (I already have a potential solution in mind but more on that later).

One of the biggest problems – since it can easily lead to unintended behavior / silent bugs – is that people might not properly take into account the statefulness of the problem, perhaps because they are simply unaware. Even if they are aware, they can easily forget. I've seen it already many times, in fact.

Simple example

Consider someone wants to run several studies on the same basic setup, e.g. testing two recommenders. A common thing that people might do:

from baybe import Campaign
from baybe.parameters import NumericalDiscreteParameter
from baybe.recommenders import FPSRecommender, RandomRecommender
from baybe.targets import NumericalTarget

searchspace = NumericalDiscreteParameter("p", [0, 1, 2, 3]).to_searchspace()
objective = NumericalTarget("t", "MAX").to_objective()
recommenders = [RandomRecommender(), FPSRecommender()]

results = []
for recommender in recommenders:
    campaign = Campaign(searchspace, recommender=recommender)
    recommendations = campaign.recommend(3)

At first glance, seems legit, but is wrong. Gives:

baybe.exceptions.NotEnoughPointsLeftError: Using the current settings, there are fewer than 5 possible data points left to recommend ......

because the second campaign uses the metadata that was modified during the first run. The problem can be easily avoided by making the space immutable, just like all other ingredients we offer for specifying campaigns. Of course, this requires a different approach to metadata handling.

After this illustrating case, let me just summarize all issues I currently see. There might be more, so I'll update the list whenever I spot another one:

Scienfitz commented 1 week ago

Please mention your suggested solution briefly

In particular I'm curious whether it would solve the computational issue mentioned in the second last point. In my view this is a real problem, the test depends on interpretation and intent.

After having given several people the metadata approach for workarounds, no one has described the approach as inelegant or error-prone, you are the first one

AdrianSosic commented 1 week ago

Alright, can do. Before, quick comment on what you said:

After having given several people the metadata approach for workarounds, no one has described the approach as inelegant or error-prone, you are the first one

It is inelegant and error-prone for several reasons:

Where ever there is room for error, people WILL tap into the problems. We have seen this countless times will less severe things like outdated docs etc. I think enough said 🙃

AdrianSosic commented 1 week ago

Bad Solution

Hypothetically speaking, there is a quick fix to the timing issues associated with adding campaign data. But I absolutely discourage going that path: We could simply temporarily cache the added data in the campaign and then only flush the cache (i.e. do the actual search space marking) as soon as it is needed, i.e. when you trigger the next recommendation. A lazy data adding if you will.

However, apart from having to maintain another cache and the additional logic involved, this makes the other problems I've described even worse, because you effectively shatter the metadata information into pieces an distribute them across two objects: part of it sits in the campaign until the cache is flushed, the rest sits in search space. So what used to be stored in a single location, could then even spread across several campaigns, making the coupling problem much worse (i.e. what I showed in the example). So let's better quickly forget about this 😬

Ideal Solution

Here the potential solution I could imagine. For me it solves all the problems and has only one potential downside, namely computational burden. But the latter is only a potential danger and we'd need to test. In fact, I think that it might not be a problem at all (and overall run even faster than what we have now). So let's forget about computational cost for the moment and only focus on layout, we'll talk about the other part later.

The idea would be to just kick the SubspaceDiscrete.metadata attribute altogether and handle stuff from the campaign side:

The consequence is that the campaign fully controls its metadata, and this additional enables more flexibility like "undoing" operations like campaignn.remove_last_batch" (have just added this point to list of problems in the main description). With the new layout, this would simple be acampaign.measurements.pop()` operation, assuming we store things internally as list of batches.

The "drawback" is now that basically we need to merge this metadata with the search space before every recommendation. But I don't expect this to become a real bottleneck since:

Scienfitz commented 1 week ago

Your rant has valid and invalid points (eg the attribute is defacto not private nor should it be according to the current logic that explicitly allows modification, hence one shouldnt argue based on it being private). But I'm not interested in solving theoretical problems of pandas dfs. After all it does not address my initial argument: users seem to be happy with this and know how to use it, do you have evidence to the contrary? We shouldn't assume users are idiots who cannot set a column in a dataframe based on an index...

It also misses the important point: its super minimalistic and lightweight, yet powerful enough to achieve most of whats needed. This is something that feels rather lacking from your proposed solution, in particular whats written under dont_recommend, thats quite some additional logic... for what?

Also remember, that once active_values is generalized, there will be much less need to recommend even touching the metadata.

Furthermore, we already have evidence that the current method might be computationally demanding (https://github.com/emdgroup/baybe/issues/344#issuecomment-2301921910). Based on your proposal your solution seems equally or more demanding. Solve one problem, worsen another, not the way to go. Consider my proposal from below, maybe additonally we can move the involved dfs optionally to polars and also improve merge speed.

Beyond that I see the problem of the current searchspace mutability and it should be addressed. Did you consider following much simpler solution that should also solve the searchspace mutability: have a discrete_metadata frame in the Campaign and not SearchSpace ?

AVHopp commented 2 days ago

Let me add my opinion as well.