Closed veista closed 2 years ago
Let me some time to check...
Great! If I can help in any way, please let me know.
Thanks for pointing the issue. Fixed library code just pushed to master branch. Simulator example based on you code: (The code is implementing RTU master and slave on the same ESP device but you can easily revert it to SoftwareSerial)
#ifdef ESP8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#else //ESP32
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ModbusTCP.h>
#include <ModbusRTU.h>
//#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//SoftwareSerial S(13, 15);
#include <StreamBuf.h>
#define BSIZE 1024
uint8_t buf1[BSIZE];
uint8_t buf2[BSIZE];
StreamBuf S1(buf1, BSIZE);
StreamBuf S2(buf2, BSIZE);
DuplexBuf P1(&S1, &S2);
DuplexBuf P2(&S2, &S1);
ModbusRTU sym;
int DE_RE = 2;
ModbusRTU rtu;
ModbusTCP tcp;
IPAddress srcIp;
uint16_t transRunning = 0; // Currently executed ModbusTCP transaction
uint8_t slaveRunning = 0; // Current request slave
bool cbTcpTrans(Modbus::ResultCode event, uint16_t transactionId, void* data) { // Modbus Transaction callback
if (event != Modbus::EX_SUCCESS) // If transaction got an error
Serial.printf("Modbus result: %02X, Mem: %d\n", event, ESP.getFreeHeap()); // Display Modbus error code (222527)
if (event == Modbus::EX_TIMEOUT) { // If Transaction timeout took place
tcp.disconnect(tcp.eventSource()); // Close connection
return true;
bool cbRtuTrans(Modbus::ResultCode event, uint16_t transactionId, void* data) {
if (event != Modbus::EX_SUCCESS) // If transaction got an error
Serial.printf("Modbus result: %02X, Mem: %d\n", event, ESP.getFreeHeap()); // Display Modbus error code (222527)
return true;
// Callback receives raw data
Modbus::ResultCode cbTcpRaw(uint8_t* data, uint8_t len, void* custom) {
auto src = (Modbus::frame_arg_t*) custom;
Serial.print("TCP IP: ");
Serial.printf(" Fn: %02X, len: %d \n\r", data[0], len);
if (transRunning) { // Note that we can't process new requests from TCP-side while waiting for responce from RTU-side.
tcp.errorResponce(src->ipaddr, (Modbus::FunctionCode)data[0], Modbus::EX_SLAVE_DEVICE_BUSY);
return Modbus::EX_SLAVE_DEVICE_BUSY;
srcIp = src->ipaddr;
slaveRunning = src->slaveId;
transRunning = src->transactionId;
rtu.rawRequest(slaveRunning, data, len, cbRtuTrans);
return Modbus::EX_SUCCESS;
// Callback receives raw data from ModbusTCP and sends it on behalf of slave (slaveRunning) to master
Modbus::ResultCode cbRtuRaw(uint8_t* data, uint8_t len, void* custom) {
auto src = (Modbus::frame_arg_t*) custom;
tcp.setTransactionId(transRunning); // Set transaction id as per incoming request
uint16_t succeed = tcp.rawResponce(srcIp, data, len, slaveRunning);
if (!succeed){
Serial.printf("RTU Slave: %d, Fn: %02X, len: %d, ", src->slaveId, data[0], len);
Serial.print("Response TCP IP: ");
transRunning = 0;
slaveRunning = 0;
return Modbus::EX_PASSTHROUGH;
void setup() {
WiFi.begin("E2", "*****");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("IP address: ");
tcp.server(); // Initialize ModbusTCP to pracess as server
tcp.onRaw(cbTcpRaw); // Assign raw data processing callback
//S.begin(19200, SWSERIAL_8E1);
//rtu.begin(&S, DE_RE); // Specify RE_DE control pin
sym.addHreg(1, 100);
rtu.begin((Stream*)&P1); // Specify RE_DE control pin
rtu.master(); // Initialize ModbusRTU as master
rtu.onRaw(cbRtuRaw); // Assign raw data processing callback
void loop() {
Worked like a charm. Thank you so much!
Thank you for this very elaborated library. I'm a bit of a beginner and I'm having issues resolving the following line
#include <StreamBuf.h>
I'm using a Wemos D1 mini v4.
Where do you get this library?
Take a look here if it helps
#include <StreamBuf.h>
Where do you get this library?
Thank you for your amazing library. I ran into this issue, when I am trying to implement a ModBus TCP to RTU Bridge with ESP8266.
Here is my code:
Receiving from TCP works, sending to RTU works, reading from RTU works, Responding to TCP fails.
I have tried everything that comes to mind. Any help would be appreciated.