ememos / GiantVM

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Running within a virtual machine is not supported.. #10

Open solemnify opened 3 years ago

solemnify commented 3 years ago

GiantVM is not to be run on top of any virtual machine. This limitation is due to the technical limitation called "Nested Virtualization". Currently, nested virtual machine is supported only in forms of the "VirtualBox over VirtualBox". Because our GiantVM requires QEMU over VirtualMachine, this configuration cause technical problem like crash and kernel panic. Please be aware this limitation.

ParkHanbum commented 3 years ago

I'm curious that nested virtualization is need? A long time ago I saw a paper on support for nested virtualization like the Turtle Project. but looking at your post, it doesn't seem to be widely used. do you think this is a challenge worth trying? I'd love to try it if it's worthwhile.

ememos commented 3 years ago

We tried to see the possibility of a testbed composed of private VMs rather than real machines, but it didn't work as expected.

I posted it as INFO because I was afraid that other people would also waste time.

I hope you don't bother trying this issue. Thank you^^