emeraldpay / emerald-wallet

Emerald Wallet
Apache License 2.0
211 stars 102 forks source link

Setup View #1359

Open scco opened 8 months ago

scco commented 8 months ago
Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-27 um 03 18 22
  1. When i hover over the options "New setup" or "Restore from backup" , the mouse cursor changes to a TEXT cursor what does not signal a clickable area. Change the cursor to a regular hover cursor with cursor-pointer.

  2. Apply a stronger hover effect , in example recolor text to a darker tone , or give the background a hover color for the full option.

  3. You need to work on the text. there are typos, missing words, and inconsistencys when to start words with upper case / lower case. this looks unserious to most users. The text is also to complicated and does not need to cover every aspect in that stage of the users flow. Here is an alternative simpler text :

Setup a wallet

Create new wallet

Create a fresh emerald wallet

Restore a wallet

Restore an existing wallet