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Select HD Account #1366

Open scco opened 8 months ago

scco commented 8 months ago
Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-27 um 05 18 44

there is 3 UX issues in this :

  1. nobody ( 99 from 100 ) do not understand what a HD account is at all . there is some explaination needed, WHY this screen is in front of my face, and what the software wants me to setup on this screen. if this is just there to press NEXT - why not skip it ? if its there to validate what ever - it might be a "pro mode" / "advanced mode" thing what is for 1 of 99 persons . so why this screen exists ?
Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-27 um 05 31 03
  1. his part of the interface is confusing , as it seems this is somwhow a pagination to goto 0, 1, 2, or even higher numbers but for what reason ? does any interaction , in example togo slide 29 ( m / 44 / 0 / 29 / 0 / 0 ) have ANY effect when i press NEXT afterwards ? is this just to VIEW stuff or to SET stuff ?
Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-27 um 05 31 27
  1. this interface is same confusing , as i again just see that i can select different addresses , and i am not sure if i have to SELECT some address to set it as "default" main address - OR - why do i have this interface at all ?

conclusion : so if this screen is probably just to READ data and would just need some nice headline and text that explains, that the generated seed would generate like infinite of eth, etc, btc addresses .

if this screen is truly to setup stuff, this have to be sayed in description.

  1. if 0/0/0/0 - all addresses are unused - why showing this screen at all, just skip to next important screen.