emeraldwalk / vscode-runonsave

Visual Studio Code extension to run commands whenever a file is saved.
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to use the Regex string for the match for specific files #70

Closed SusovanGithub closed 2 years ago

SusovanGithub commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm developing an LWC component where I want something to automate when I save my .js file not for all .js files. My .js file comes under the lwc/componentFolders/ folder and only for those .js files I want to automate.

My Project Structure:

|   \---main
|       \---default
|           +---applications
|           +---aura
|           +---classes
|           +---contentassets
|           +---flexipages
|           +---layouts
|           +---lwc
|           |   +---testCmp1
|           |   |       testCmp1.html
|           |   |       testCmp1.js               <-------( automation needed for this type of _.js_ files )
|           |   |       testCmp1.js-meta.xml
|           |   |
|           |   +---testCmp2
|           |           testCmp2.html
|           |           testCmp2.js               <-------( automation needed for this type of _.js_ files )
|           |           testCmp2.js-meta.xml
|           |

Please help me with the match string.