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Update lunr.js to get search in all languages #522

Closed mfortini closed 4 years ago

mfortini commented 4 years ago

Search is not working for Greek. The lunr version we're using had problems with utf-8 Replace lunr with the newest release or another js search engine.

iltempe commented 4 years ago

segnalo questo. https://github.com/olivernn/lunr.js/issues/232

mfortini commented 4 years ago

I just pushed a version for Greek language I took from the minimal-mistakes project https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes The query function they use might be useful for other languages, too

dchatzoglou commented 4 years ago

I have tested with a couple of queries and it seems to be working.

iltempe commented 4 years ago

ok so can we close?

dchatzoglou commented 4 years ago

I think, yes, we can close.. thanks