emergenzeHack / ukrainehelp.emergenzehack.info_segnalazioni

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A Firenze profuga ucraina ha bisogno di vestiti e scarpe #474

Open ehack-italy opened 2 years ago

ehack-italy commented 2 years ago

nameSurname: Valentina Hordiienko
phoneNumber: '+380676610852'
email: tutor.valentynahordiienko@gmail.com
title: I need clothes for me and shoes
recipients: ''
description: 'I need clothes for me and shoes. I have a place where to live but I don't have
  money at all.'
url: ''
  mode: autocomplete
    place_id: 286104644
    licence: Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright
    osm_type: node
    osm_id: 61753360
    - '43.6098712'
    - '43.9298712'
    - '11.0955757'
    - '11.4155757'
    lat: '43.7698712'
    lon: '11.2555757'
    display_name: Флоренция, Florence, Флоренция, Тоскана, 50100, Италия
    class: place
    type: city
    importance: 0.7105633028502386
    icon: https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/ui/mapicons//poi_place_city.p.20.png
      city: Флоренция
      county: Флоренция
      state: Тоскана
      postcode: '50100'
      country: Италия
      country_code: it
iConfirmToHaveReadAndAcceptedPrivacyInformativeToThreatPersonalData: true
label: help
submit: true
Posizione: 43.7698712 11.2555757
cristigalas commented 2 years ago

Inviata email per suggerire alcuni contatti utili e chiedere ulteriori info e poi eventualmente accetto e pubblico.