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Information to guide individual health assessment of refugees feeing the war in Ukraine #513

Open ehack-italy opened 2 years ago

ehack-italy commented 2 years ago

title: Information to guide individual health assessment of refugees feeing the war
  in Ukraine
description: 'This document aims to provide information to guide individual health
  assessment carried out by frontline health providers at border areas, reception
  centres, transit centres and individual clinics as well as national

  public health agencies / authorities in countries receiving refugees and third country
link: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/documents/Individual-Health-Assessment-Final-April-05-2022.pdf
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label: document_data
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submit: true
cristigalas commented 2 years ago

Non so se accettare… che ne dite @luciroma @patriziacar @napo @claudiamazzantiact?