emericg / OpenSubtitlesDownload

Automatically find and download the right subtitles for your favorite videos!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Is there a way to recurse into subdirectories (CLI)? #48

Closed alienbogart closed 4 years ago

alienbogart commented 4 years ago

I use this program in the command line. My movies are each in a subfolder. Could OpenSubtitlesDownload download subtitles for all of them with a single command?

alienbogart commented 4 years ago

Yes there is and it's super simple:

$ OpenSubtitlesDownload.py /path/*"

emericg commented 4 years ago

There is a pull request still open on this particular issue : https://github.com/emericg/OpenSubtitlesDownload/pull/46 I think I'll allow it on CLI mode. Feel free to weigh in on the PR!

alienbogart commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "CLI mode", since I issued the command from the command line. This seems solved to me. Am I mistaken? Thanks!

emericg commented 4 years ago

yes CLI mean commande line. A patch has been merged, it should recurse when using the CLI now!

alienbogart commented 4 years ago

Awesome, thanks!