emericg / WatchFlower

A plant monitoring application that reads and plots data from compatible Bluetooth sensors and thermometers like Xiaomi 'Flower Care' or Parrot 'Flower Power'
GNU General Public License v3.0
192 stars 27 forks source link

Dutch translation #10

Closed FYr76 closed 4 years ago

FYr76 commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

Your app is growing more and more and starting to flower. Love it! I'd like to contribute with a Dutch translation. I'm compactly new to contributing on GitHub, so I hope you can help me a bit with the necessary steps.

Kind regards, FYr76

emericg commented 4 years ago

Can't see the beta, maybe it takes a while.

Yes indeed every text and software posted on Google or Apple store is subject to validation, and it can take from a couple of minutes to a couple of days :/

I changed espanol and frisk. Auto means automatic selection, it's pretty standard (haha) in this case, while standard language doesn't mean much.

Some strings can change language automatically while other needs either a reboot the app (so it's really an acceptable trade off) or an action (a sensor refresh will change most text and so update their translations) to act on the language change. This can't be fixed without reworking stuff, and reworking stuff means new bugs, etc...

This version was only supposed to have couples of bugfixes onto the last release done last month, then got new languages, then now has a whole lot of new code, so that's why I really want it out and new code in another release.

I can't thank you enough for your work on the new translations. Doing the translations on a mobile device really tells a lot about your motivation, and I believe we've been doing some real improvements on English too. Doing them manually has proven to be a lot of extra work though, especially simultaneously changing source (English) strings and doing incremental changes on many translations files. Every changes on source strings means updating translations for every languages, with the possibility to swap latest translation with older version of the (more or less) same string, especially when I don't speak the target language. Coupled with the many manual fixes on files, this has become really tricky.

So this release will be published like this, and then take your time while using the application to note where changes should be made. If you want to discuss the source strings and meaning of the different text let's do it separately. It should probably come first. Things like untranslated units (like uS/cm) means adding them to the translated strings list, and so will have repercussions for every translation files. These files also need to be up to date with latest changes to the code or you risk translating already deprecated strings. If you want to improve translations, let's do it all at once. This is probably best done before the next release, to take into account every changes that will be made between now and then. Like before, delete your fork, recreate it with last version of the source code, update every translations and push the changes.

FYr76 commented 4 years ago

Tnx, I understand how you see things. Complicated - I only see it from the end-user perspective - don't know anything about coding. It must be a battle on many fronts. It's great how you respond to input and ideas. That really motivates me.

I understood you prefer discussing the source text. I'm going to collect ideas, bugs, etc the next weeks... and before the next update looking at the translations.

FYr76 commented 4 years ago

Busy with the Playstore text. What do you mean with Supports clock update? Supports clock update and changing temperature unit.

You don't mention: North "Plant Monitor" , and Vegtrug "Grow Care Home" . I see Vegtrug is a growing brand in The NL. Same product, but maybe not clear to everyone.

emericg commented 4 years ago

It's great how you respond to input and ideas. That really motivates me.

Well I try to listen to inputs, but it's always a balance between the time I have, the time it would take to implement a feature, how many people would need and use it...

I understood you prefer discussing the source text. I'm going to collect ideas, bugs, etc the next weeks... and before the next update looking at the translations.

I'll let you know when I'm close to a release. But in between I'm going to work on other softwares for a while...

Busy with the Playstore text. What do you mean with Supports clock update? Supports clock update and changing temperature unit.

The device is a clock + thermometer, so the app can update the actual clock time and synchronize it with the time from the smartphone (I don't know if I say that right). It can also change the thermometer unit between Celcius and Fahrenheit.

You don't mention: North "Plant Monitor" , and Vegtrug "Grow Care Home" . I see Vegtrug is a growing brand in The NL. Same product, but maybe not clear to everyone.

I knew about the Vegtrug "Grow Care Home" but I never saw the North "Plant Monitor" before. I believe both are just a rebrand of the Flower Care yes, BUT I never tested any of them so I'm a bit hesitant to advertise support for these devices unfortunately.

FYr76 commented 4 years ago

Okay, I'll finish the Dutch text Looking to Playstore images of North and Vegtrug it's the same app as the official one. But indeed, you can't be for sure it's the same device, however I have a Vegtrug and Xiaomi devices and they're exactly the same... On Aliexpress I read it's a global rebranding

emericg commented 4 years ago

So the Vegtrug works? Another user was apparently suggesting taht, but disappeared before I could get a confirmation. Even if they renamed the device "advertised" name over bluetooth that would make them incompatible with the application. It would not be a hard bug to fix, but without a device... Still quite hard ^^

FYr76 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, it works exactly the same... only with newer firmware. I ordered through this link.


I finished translating, but first I looked at the English text. Text in red are adjustments of the text found on https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.emeric.watchflower&hl=en_US

I chose the word 'App' over 'Application' in both the Dutch and the Danish version. It's the most commen used word. if you want uniformity with 'Application', just say so, and I'll change it.


A plant monotoring application for Xiaomi "Flower Care" en "RoPot" sensors.

WatchFlower is a plant monitoring application that reads and plots data from your Xiaomi "Flower Care" and "RoPot" Bluetooth sensors.

WatchFlower also works great with a couple of Xiaomi Bluetooth thermometers!

WatchFlower is open source software. By buying it here, you support its development!`

WatchFlower doesn'ttrackyour application usage, doesn'trequire accountcreation, your GPS location, nor any otherpersonal data!`

The application is available in Danish, Dutch, Frisian, English, French, German, Spanish and (partial) Russian.

Application developed by Emeric Grange.

Visual design by Chris Díaz.

Supported devices:

✔ Xiaomi "Flower Care"

✔ Xiaomi "RoPot"

✔ Xiaomi "Digital Hygrometer Clock"

✔ Xiaomi "BLE Temperature and Humidity sensor" (with LCD display)

✔ ClearGrass "Digital Bluetooth Thermometer and Hygrometer" (with E-ink display)

About Bluetooth Low Energy:

Follow development, post bug reports and suggest new features on the GitHub page (https://github.com/emericg/WatchFlower) or contact by email (emeric.grange@gmail.com).

WatchFlower is NOT affiliated with Xiaomi (or any other sensor manufacturer).


Een plantobservatieapp voor Xiaomi "Flower Care" en "RoPot" sensoren.

WatchFlower is een app om je plant te observeren. Het leest data van je Xiaomi "Flower Care" en "RoPot" bluetoothsensoren en toont dit in overzichtelijke diagrammen.

WatchFlower werkt ook goed met een aantal Xiaomi bluetooth-thermometers!

WatchFlower is open source software. Door de app hier te kopen steun je verdere ontwikkelling!

WatchFlower houdt je appgebruik niet bij, een account aanmaken is niet nodig, evenmin als je GPS-locatie of andere persoonsgegevens.

De app is beschikbaar in het Deens, Duits, Engels, Fries, Frans, Nederlands, Spaans en deels in het Russisch.

App-ontwikkeling door Emeric Grange.

Grafisch ontwerp door Chris Díaz.

Ondersteunde sensoren:

✔ Xiaomi "Flower Care"

✔ Xiaomi "RoPot"

✔ Xiaomi "Digitale Hygrometer Klok"

✔ Xiaomi "BLE Temperatuur- en Luchtvochtigheidsensor" (met LCD-scherm)

✔ ClearGrass "Digitale Bluetooth-thermometer en -Hygrometer" (met E-ink scherm)

Over Bluetooth Low Energy:

Volg de ontwikkeling van de app, meld fouten en stel nieuwe functies voor op de GitHub-pagina (https://github.com/emericg/WatchFlower) of rechtstreeks per e-mail (emeric.grange@gmail.com).

WatchFlower is NIET gelieerd aan Xiaomi (of enig andere sensorproducent).


En planteovervågningsapp til Xiaomi "Flower Care" og "RoPot" sensorer.

WatchFlower er en app til planteovervågning, der læser data fra din Xiaomi "Flower Care" og "RoPot" bluetooth-sensorer og viser det tydeligt i diagrammer.

WatchFlower fungerer også godt med nogle Xiaomi bluetooth-termometre!

WatchFlower er open source software. Ved at købe appen her, støtter du dens udvikling!

WatchFlower følger ikke din appbrug, du behøver ikke at oprette en konto og vi bruger heller ikke din geografiske placering eller andre personlige oplysninger.

Appen er tilgængelig på flere sprog, såsom dansk, engelsk, frisisk, fransk, hollandsk, tysk og dels på russisk.

Appudvikling af Emeric Grange.

Grafisk formgivnig af Chris Díaz.

Understøttede enheder:

✔ Xiaomi "Flower Care"

✔ Xiaomi "RoPot"

✔ Xiaomi "Digital Hygrometer Ur"

✔ Xiaomi "BLE Temperatur- og Luftfugtighedssensor" (med LCD-skærm)

✔ ClearGrass "Digital bluetooth-termometer og -Hygrometer" (med E-ink skærm)

Om Bluetooth Low Energy:

Følg appudviklingen, rapporter fejl og foreslå nye funktioner på GitHub-siden (https://github.com/emericg/WatchFlower) eller direkte via e-mail (emeric.grange@gmail.com).

WatchFlower er IKKE tilknyttet til Xiaomi (eller enhver anden sensor-producent).

emericg commented 4 years ago

Allright thanks for the translations! I finally updated the store pages, and I checked the english translation with a native speaker to tidy up some sentences.

Time to put this issue to rest I think ^^ Thanks again for everything you've done, and I'll update you before the next version if you wish to make some modifications!

emericg commented 3 years ago

I'll be doing a release very soon (already in beta), if you want to have a look at some of the new strings. There is not that many changes so it's only if you have some time.

Also, it would be really really really great if you could charge the files in https://github.com/lelegard/qtlinguist-installers/releases that would make both our jobs way easier, I cannot stress this enough. You can translate the 3 langages at once, and all of the duplicated / deprecated / already translated strings are handled for you.

FYr76 commented 3 years ago

Sure, I'll update the translations... allready tried qtlinguist earlier, but couldn't figure out how it worked... gonna have a look to it again tomorrow

FYr76 commented 3 years ago

The TS files are ready.... what's the next step?

Some textual remarks on the Settings screen:

How many **sensors**  should be updated simultaneously **?** A lower number **improves**  
emericg commented 3 years ago

Hi, awesome. And you're right about the remarks, I'll update that string. Did you try the latest beta?

For the TS file, you can upload them here right here on this thread, email them to me, or commit them on your fork and do a pull request as usual. Because you have already been credited as a commiter and contributor for previous commits, there is no particular need to do a commit/pull request, unless it makes your life easier.

FYr76 commented 3 years ago

Still have to check the beta... I'll try to attach the files...


FYr76 commented 3 years ago

Beta comments

About page: only mentions mi flora and ropot, but the app supports way more

Menu: Order by water level - maybe Moisture level or Moisture content is better ...

I had a second thought... can you change the translations into

DK fugtindhold

NL vochtgehalte

FY fochtgehalte

emericg commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks, I've set everything up, I'll do the release tommorow. The about page text was meant to be kept one/two line, so I've never updated the text with the 10 new sensors, but yes it should represent the new variety of sensors the app supports. 'water level' text was a bit rushed but yes it whould probalby be 'soil moisture level'

Did you have a better experience translating with Qt Linguist?

FYr76 commented 3 years ago

Yes, I still have to get used to it a bit more... but it surely is easier to handle, also because of the suggestions based on earlier used text...

FYr76 commented 3 years ago

Maybe there's an issue

Before there was a refresh button in the right corner... you moved it to the dropdownmenu. ... but refreshing data doesn't work realiable any longer. There's no action at all, except sometimes update data-text changes to purple

( I tried several times and it worked once, but I don't see text appearring likeconnecting offline or updating )

When Bluetooth is turned off, the dropdownmenu only appears partially. .. I'm not able to see/ select text

I preferred the prior solution with lightbulb and refresh button, because otherwise there are too many options ( central menu swiping from right, options at the bottom and the 3-dots in the right corner)

emericg commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting the bugs, I fixed them. The prior option was good when there was only the refresh button, but I plan to add more options. Also the subtext was needed. I could leave the old presentation for tablets (I believe you are using one) but there should be a subtext anyway, so I'll have to do some tests.

FYr76 commented 3 years ago

Yes indeed, I have a tablet. Thanks for fixing it... see forward to the nxt version

emericg commented 3 years ago

@FYr76 It's release time again :) If you want to look at the translations, and also new features! (there is an android beta online)

FYr76 commented 3 years ago

Hi there, I'll have a look at it. Try to translate it this week...

FYr76 commented 3 years ago

I had a look at the beta with the updated translations. Here are some minor things. I finally understood what you meant with indicators, so I changed the translations too...


Maybe you could do something with the contrast of the text (themes)

Data indicators

DA Diagramsøjler

NL Diagramstaven

FY Diagramstêven


DA Fed

NL Vet

FY Fet

Saved in your documents, under the 'WatchFlower' directory.

DA Gemt i dine dokumenter i 'WatchFlower'-mappen.

NL Opgeslagen in je document in de 'WatchFlower'-map.

FY Opslein yn dyn dokuminten yn de 'WatchFlower'-map.


You can rescan for new devices....

FY Do kinst altyd op 'e nij scanne nei nije apparaten.....

emericg commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'll fix it as soon as possible.