emersion / slurp

Select a region in a Wayland compositor
MIT License
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Consider a version bump #118

Closed voidbert closed 1 year ago

voidbert commented 1 year ago

Version 1.3.2 was released in April of last year. Since then, many features have been added, such as local coordinates and fixed aspect ratio support.

I personally needed this last feature, and had to build slurp from source. A new release would allow distros to package these new features for users. As of now, they aren't available on rolling distros (such as Arch and Void), as the code is likely thought to be experimental git code (available through the AUR as slurp-git, for example).

My suggestion is to create a new release tag, provided the new features added and the time since the last release. As I'm unaware of slurp's versioning number scheme, it could likely be 1.4.0 or 1.3.3.

emersion commented 1 year ago
