emersion / slurp

Select a region in a Wayland compositor
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Label is filled with output name even when selecting custom rectangle #154

Open Vladimir-csp opened 4 months ago

Vladimir-csp commented 4 months ago

Launching with -o -f '%l' Expecting output name in the label only when output box was selected (click), not when drawn a custom rectangle.

emersion commented 4 months ago

That's expected behavior though.

Vladimir-csp commented 4 months ago

It's not a label of selected region though. And it could be used for differentiating between result being whole output or region selection based on user action.

tmccombs commented 2 days ago

What would you expect to happen? What other label would it print?

If you use -o -f '%l %x,%y %wx%h' it will print the output as the label AND will print the region selected.

Vladimir-csp commented 1 day ago

I expected label to be empty if region is selected. Maybe there is some other way to differentiate between output and region selection?

tmccombs commented 1 day ago

And what would be the format for the selected region?

I think probably the best way to handle that would be to allow setting separate formats for selecting a labeled region and selecting a custom region.