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Add more Computer Science Education Venues #7127

Open SethPoulsen opened 5 months ago

SethPoulsen commented 5 months ago

Most research areas on the site have the top 2-3 conferences listed, so we really should have more than one for Computer Science Education.

The 3 main conferences run by ACM SIGCSE each year are SIGCSE, ITiCSE, and ICER, so we should add ITiCSE and ICER.

ICER: https://conf.researchr.org/home/icer-2024

ITiCSE: https://iticse.acm.org/2024/

(inspired by discussion on #6173).

I believe most CS Ed researchers would agree to these being the 3 main conferences, but I am not sure what the established process is for deciding which conferences get put on CSRankings.


katieirenec commented 4 months ago

I strongly believe that ICER should be added as a CSEd venue in CSRankings. It would give a clearer picture of where top research is published in CSEd. The acceptance rate at ICER has been consistently around 20% for the last few years, and it's required that ICER reviewers have a PhD.

In case it helps make the case: In the entire history of ICER, 51 R1s are represented among the authors of research papers (see data here). 71 R1s are represented among all parts of the proceedings (posters, doctoral consortia, keynotes, etc).