emesene / emesene-supported-plugins

set of plugins supported by the emesene team
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theme chooser/downloader #7

Closed marianoguerra closed 13 years ago

marianoguerra commented 13 years ago

a plugin that fetches the available plugins from this repos and allows to select and download them.

astagi commented 13 years ago

Hi Mariano... I wasn't thinking of a plugin, but a main feature of emesene ^^ my idea was just like this http://bit.ly/jcgFwJ : have a list of all plugins, ones just present in emesene and other ones not downloaded yet, and for the firsts change the font color and show a download button on users click ( obviously after download, we should invite the user to reboot emesene to use these plugins ) ...

What about?? ^^


astagi commented 13 years ago

Ah btw, I haven't think something about plugin ^^ mind still working :P Maybe a dedicated tab in preferences, I don't know...

marianoguerra commented 13 years ago

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 9:38 PM, 4ndreaSt4gi reply@reply.github.com wrote:

Ah btw, I haven't think something about plugin ^^ mind still working :P

the idea of supported plugins is to implement useful but not core stuff as plugins to have them as options and isolated fromt he core code.

that way our core code doesn't grow in size and complexity.

the features would be the same and it could be enabled by default on instalation.

astagi commented 13 years ago

I know I know ^^ I was thinking about a core solution, but no problem.. ok, I'll start workin on this plugin soon... any idea about the interface??

marianoguerra commented 13 years ago

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:27 AM, 4ndreaSt4gi reply@reply.github.com wrote:

I know I know ^^ ok, I'll start workin on this plugin soon... any idea about the interface??

I was working/traveling a lot lately, I will se if I can work on it and make it an example of plugin development. you can join the effort if you want :D

astagi commented 13 years ago

Yep sure, I'll write some documentation ( examples included ) about plugins too ^^ ( it's still an open issue ) ... But I was talking about graphic interface ^^ Is it possible to modify preference tab from my plugin for example?? Or I should make it in a new window???

marianoguerra commented 13 years ago

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:48 AM, 4ndreaSt4gi reply@reply.github.com wrote:

Yep sure, I'll write some documentation ( examples included ) about plugins too ^^ ( it's still an open issue ) ... But I was talking about graphic interface ^^ Is it possible to modify preference tab from my plugin for example?? Or I should  make it in a new window???

I was thinking exactly that, to provide extension points to add tabs to the preference dialog.

i think it would be the best way.

astagi commented 13 years ago

Ok Mariano, thx ;) I'll work on and let you now ^^


astagi commented 13 years ago

Mariano, the plugin development has just started ^^ See my last commit in emesene core http://bit.ly/jqIqQ4 ... I made preference tab extensible, so if someone would extend it, have just to call add and remove methods ^^

Sbte commented 13 years ago

Why is this a plugin if it's a way to install plugins? That still confuses me. There should be an easy way to fetch this too right? And what does the extensible preference window do?

Also, plugins can now go to config_dir/plugins, which seems more user friendly. Please use it wisely ;)

astagi commented 13 years ago

Well, this confuse me too a little bit ^^ But Mariano's idea was to create just a little plugin ( set enabled by default ) to download extensions, plugins included, in a user friendly way... The extensible preference window allow you to add and remove contents in an easy way, so if someone would create a plugin that add a tab in preference window, can do this easily, using add_to_list and remove_from_list ...