Open devth opened 8 years ago
Would something like this work in your case?
(defproject my-project "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write this!"
:url ""
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.8.51"]]
:source-paths ["src"]
:clean-targets ["out"]
:target-path "target"
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.3"]]
:cljsbuild {:builds {:my-project {:source-paths ["src"]
:compiler {:my-project my-project.core
:output-to "out/my_project.js"
:output-dir "out"
:source-map "out/"
:pretty-print true}}}}
:profiles {:dev {:cljsbuild {:builds {:my-project {:compiler {:verbose true}}}}}
:release {:cljsbuild {:builds {:my-project {:compiler {:optimizations :advanced}}}}}})
If not, do you have a certain config structure in mind that would be helpful in your case? It would be great if you could give a minimal example of a current config of yours and how you would like it to be instead.
Your example is essentially what I'm doing now, but results in a fair amount of duplication when dealing with multiple builds. For example, I have several foreign libs that need to be duplicated across every build.
e.g. with two separate builds:
:cljsbuild {:builds {:build1 {:source-paths ["src/build1"]
:compiler {:my-project build1.core
:output-to "build1/out.js"
:output-dir "build1/out"
:source-map "build1/out/"
:pretty-print true}}
:build2 {:source-paths ["src/build2"]
:compiler {:my-project build2.core
:output-to "build2/out.js"
:output-dir "build2/out"
:source-map "build2/out/"
:pretty-print true}}}}
Now if I want to add the same set of foreign libs to all my builds I need to set them individually, either inline or using a profile – in either case there will still be a separate :foreign-libs
for each build.
What I'd like to do is set cljsbuild configuration globally for all builds using a profile, then mix-in that profile for dev
and release
(in this example), e.g.:
:profiles {:cljs-shared
;; common configuration shared across all builds
{:cljsbuild {:compiler {:foreign-libs [{:file "file1.js" :provides ["Lib1"] :language-in :ecmascript5}
{:file "file2.js" :provides ["Lib2"] :language-in :ecmascript5}
{:file "file3.js" :provides ["Lib3"] :language-in :ecmascript5}]}}}
;; dev only configuration for all builds
:dev [:cljs-shared
{:cljsbuild {:compiler {:verbose true}}}]
;; release only config for all builds
:release [:cljs-shared
{:cljsbuild {:compiler {:optimizations :advanced}}}]})
So I think what would need to happen is: if a :cljsbuild
map doesn't specify {:build {:somebuild {...}}
, then it should apply the configuration across all build configurations.
Other ideas for removing duplication of common configuration across build1
and build2
Your example should work if you specify the same build id across the different profiles, e.g.:
:profiles {:cljs-shared
;; common configuration shared across all builds
{:cljsbuild {:builds {:app {:compiler {:foreign-libs [{:file "file1.js" :provides ["Lib1"] :language-in :ecmascript5}
{:file "file2.js" :provides ["Lib2"] :language-in :ecmascript5}
{:file "file3.js" :provides ["Lib3"] :language-in :ecmascript5}]}}}}}
;; dev only configuration for all builds
:dev [:cljs-shared
{:cljsbuild {:builds {:app {:compiler {:verbose true}}}}}]
;; release only config for all builds
:release [:cljs-shared
{:cljsbuild {:builds {:app {:compiler {:optimizations :advanced}}}}}]}
When using profiles the merging of the different configurations is done by leiningen as described here. You can take a look at the final project configuration that is handed to cljsbuild by using the pprint
plugin, e.g. lein with-profile dev pprint
Yep, that's essentially where I am now. The problem is the amount of duplication required across build config. So my idea / feature request was for cljsbuild
to apply config across all configs if the build id was unspecified. There are other ways to achieve this too, e.g. if the build-id key is a vector, apply it to multiple configs, which has the benefit of more precision than my previous suggestion:
:profiles {:cljs-shared
;; common configuration shared across all builds
{:cljsbuild {:builds {[:build1 :build2]
{:compiler {:foreign-libs [{:file "file1.js" :provides ["Lib1"] :language-in :ecmascript5}
{:file "file2.js" :provides ["Lib2"] :language-in :ecmascript5}
{:file "file3.js" :provides ["Lib3"] :language-in :ecmascript5}]}}}}}
;; dev only configuration for all builds
:dev [:cljs-shared
{:cljsbuild {:builds {[:build1 :build2] {:compiler {:verbose true}}}}}]
;; release only config for all builds
:release [:cljs-shared
{:cljsbuild {:builds {[:build1 :build2]{:compiler {:optimizations :advanced}}}}}]}
:cljsbuild {:builds {:build1 {:source-paths ["src/build1"]
:compiler {:my-project build1.core
:output-to "build1/out.js"
:output-dir "build1/out"
:source-map "build1/out/"
:pretty-print true}}
:build2 {:source-paths ["src/build2"]
:compiler {:my-project build2.core
:output-to "build2/out.js"
:output-dir "build2/out"
:source-map "build2/out/"
:pretty-print true}}}}
(Thanks for the pprint
plugin tip!)
I would need to think a bit about this, but using an approach that is similar to composing leiningen profiles might be more intuitive, e.g. using a vector instead of a map as the value for a specific build. For example:
:cljsbuild {:builds {:app {:source-paths ["src"]
:compiler {:main app.core
:output-to "out/app.js"
:output-dir "out"
:source-map "out/"
:pretty-print true}}
:dev [:app {:compiler {:verbose true}}]
:release [:app {:compiler {:optimization :advanced}}]}}
So for this example, if you would run lein cljsbuild once dev
cljsbuild could merge the config for the :app
build and {:compiler {:verbose true}}
into one build config.
Sounds useful!
I want to make sure it still works with lein profiles, as that's the standard for specifying differences between envs:
and build2
in my example)In other words, to build a release it should look more like:
lein with-profile release compile
And for dev:
lein compile
Not sure the cljsbuild merging would support multiple builds, e.g.:
:profiles {:cljs-common
{:cljsbuild {:builds {:shared-cljs
{:foreign-libs [{:file "file1.js" :provides ["Lib1"] :language-in :ecmascript5}
{:file "file2.js" :provides ["Lib2"] :language-in :ecmascript5}
{:file "file3.js" :provides ["Lib3"] :language-in :ecmascript5}]}}
:build1 [:shared-cljs {:source-paths ["src/build1"]}]
:build2 [:shared-cljs {:source-paths ["src/build2"]}]}}}
;; not sure this makes sense,
;; merging multiple builds into
;; one?
{:cljsbuild {:builds {:dev-build [:build1 :build2 {:compiler {:verbose true}}]}}}]
;; same here
{:cljsbuild {:builds {:release-build [:build1 :build2 {:compiler {:optimizations :advanced}}]}}}]}
I guess we can use ... Clojure :)
(def optimizing-compiler
{:compiler {:optimizations :advanced
:elide-asserts true
:pretty-print false}})
(defproject "0"
:description "Capital Match Web application"
:url ""
:min-lein-version "2.8.1"
:dependencies [
[bidi "2.1.3"]
[cljsjs/create-react-class "15.6.3-0"]
[cljsjs/csv "1.1.1-0"]
[cljsjs/react "16.0.0-0"]
[cljsjs/react-dom "16.0.0-0"]
[com.andrewmcveigh/cljs-time "0.5.2"]
[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.339"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.4.474"]
[org.omcljs/om "1.0.0-beta4"]
[prismatic/dommy "1.1.0"]
:plugins [
[lein-aggravate "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"]
[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.7"]
:profiles {:release
{:user ~optimizing-compiler
:admin ~optimizing-compiler
In other words, set this from a profile.
Compilation Profiles describes setting compiler options with profiles, but if your
contains more than one build, these are not correctly merged in. Instead, it tricks cljsbuild into thinking config is in the wrong format, and outputs a bogus "fixed" format:Using compilation profiles is only possible if you fully specify every build in every profile, like this project.clj which is super verbose, and unDRY.
Instead, I want to specify settings like:
:optimizations :advanced
in every production build":pretty-print true
in every dev build":foreign-libs [...]
for all builds everywhere"