Open timiil opened 3 years ago
The "Emgu.CV.runtime.linux-arm" nuget package version "" is built to target Raspberry OS, on a 32bit ARM operation system.
If your Ubuntu OS ARM (32-bit) or ARM64 (64-bit)? Either way, you will most likely won't get that binary to work on Ubuntu 16.04 ARM (or ARM64) OS. The best bet will be building the binary from source code. Instruction for building the binary from Git for Ubunutu 20.04 (x64) can be found here:
You may need to make some modification to build for Ubuntu 16.04 (ARM or ARM64).
The "Emgu.CV.runtime.linux-arm" nuget package version "" is built to target Raspberry OS, on a 32bit ARM operation system.
If your Ubuntu OS ARM (32-bit) or ARM64 (64-bit)? Either way, you will most likely won't get that binary to work on Ubuntu 16.04 ARM (or ARM64) OS. The best bet will be building the binary from source code. Instruction for building the binary from Git for Ubunutu 20.04 (x64) can be found here:
You may need to make some modification to build for Ubuntu 16.04 (ARM or ARM64).
It is an ARM64 SOC, and the Ubuntu is 64bit.
I may make a try on building it from source code.
Hello all, I am trying to deploy emgucv (with CUDA support) on Jetson Xavier NX (Ubuntu 18.04 aarch64). I used cmake configure files for ubuntu 20.04 and RaspberryPi which contained in source code (file for raspberry i changed for CUDA support). Then i included Emgu.CV.Platform.NetStandard.dll(which i taked from build) to my source code. In all cases, when i use any class of EmguCV, when i first call to it i have "segmentation fault(core dumped)" error. (cvextern i put to app folder) @timiil did you deploy emgucv for Arm64 architecture? @emgucv Will the project support Arm64 architecture?
Hello all, I am trying to deploy emgucv (with CUDA support) on Jetson Xavier NX (Ubuntu 18.04 aarch64). I used cmake configure files for ubuntu 20.04 and RaspberryPi which contained in source code (file for raspberry i changed for CUDA support). Then i included Emgu.CV.Platform.NetStandard.dll(which i taked from build) to my source code. In all cases, when i use any class of EmguCV, when i first call to it i have "segmentation fault(core dumped)" error. (cvextern i put to app folder) @timiil did you deploy emgucv for Arm64 architecture? @emgucv Will the project support Arm64 architecture?
no, not yet :(
hello all,
we are trying to deploy emgucv on an ARM board, Rockhip RK3399 SOC , ubuntu 16.04;
after install dotnet5, i had installed the requirement
the above installation is complete SUCCESS.
the csproj file is :
so whe we run:
so, i try ldd:
i try readelf:
any idea ? should i post the LD_DEBUG detail log ?