emgucv / emgutf

Emgu TF is a cross platform .Net wrapper for the Google Tensorflow library. Allows Tensorflow functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as C#, VB, VC++, IronPython.
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DllNotFoundException: tfliteextern in unity on MacOS #88

Closed mmf007 closed 10 months ago

mmf007 commented 1 year ago

Hello! When installing Emgu CV and Emgu TF Lite packages together in unity 2020.3.23 on MacOS. When running your example from Emgu.TF.Lite\Demo\MobilenetScene.unity an error occurs.

DllNotFoundException: tfliteextern assembly: type: member:(null) Emgu.TF.Lite.TfLiteInvoke..cctor () (at Assets/Emgu.TF.Lite/Assets/Scripts/Emgu.TF.Lite/TFLiteInvoke.cs:494) Rethrow as DllNotFoundException: Unable to load native binary. Please make sure a proper Emgu.TF.Lite.runtime.{platform} nuget package is added, or make sure the native binary can be found in the folder of the executable. Emgu.TF.Lite.TfLiteInvoke..cctor () (at Assets/Emgu.TF.Lite/Assets/Scripts/Emgu.TF.Lite/TFLiteInvoke.cs:502) Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Emgu.TF.Lite.TfLiteInvoke' threw an exception. MobilenetBehavior+d__6.MoveNext () (at Assets/Emgu.TF.Lite/Demo/MobilenetBehavior.cs:34) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)

Tried to put everything in a new project. Same error.

Help me please.

emgucv commented 1 year ago

Are you using unity 2020.3.23 with MacOS on apple silicon (arm64) or intel (x64)?

mmf007 commented 1 year ago

MacOS on intel (x64)

mmf007 commented 1 year ago

One Emgu TF Lite without Emgu CV works well.

emgucv commented 1 year ago

Just created a new Unity 3D project using Unity 2020.3.31f1. Imported Emgu CV & Emgu TF Lite from Unity Asset Store. Opened the demo scene under "Emgu.TF.Lite\Demo\MobileNetScene", run the scene and it is working as expected. Mac OS Ventura 13.4 on Intel x64 cpu: image

emgucv commented 10 months ago

Closing ticket now.