emidombek / uptowngallery

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python+Django based website for a small art gallery business deployed to Heroku
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USER STORY: Admin Art Listing Approval #19

Closed emidombek closed 8 months ago

emidombek commented 1 year ago

User Story

As an admin, I want to approve or reject artworks listed for auction/sale. So that I curate the art that my gallery sells.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Acceptance Criteria 1:

As an admin, I have a dedicated admin dashboard accessible when logged in.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 2:

Within the admin dashboard, there is a section labeled "Artwork Listings" or "Pending Listings."

  1. Acceptance Criteria 3:

The "Artwork Listings" section displays a list of artworks that have been submitted by sellers for auction or sale.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 4:

Each artwork entry includes the artwork title, artist name, seller's information, type (auction or fixed price), and images.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 5:

I can click on an artwork entry to view more detailed information about the listing.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 6:

The detailed view includes the artwork description, additional images, listing type, starting bid, and reserve price (if applicable).

  1. Acceptance Criteria 7:

I have the ability to approve or reject the artwork listing directly from the detailed view.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 8:

If I approve the listing, the artwork becomes visible to buyers on the website.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 9:

If I reject the listing, the artwork is not published, and the seller receives a notification explaining the reason for rejection.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 10:

I can select a reason for rejection from predefined options (e.g., inappropriate content, incorrect information).

  1. Acceptance Criteria 11:

After making a decision (approval or rejection), I am prompted to confirm the action before it's finalized.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 12:

I have the option to leave comments or notes for the seller regarding the approval or rejection decision.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 13:

Rejected artworks are automatically moved to a separate section labeled "Rejected Listings" for reference.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 14:

I receive an email notification when a new artwork is submitted for review by a seller.

  1. Acceptance Criteria 15:

The email notification includes a summary of the artwork details and a link to the admin dashboard for review.


emidombek commented 10 months ago

Created Logic to approve and reject artwork via Django admin panel.

emidombek commented 9 months ago
emidombek commented 8 months ago

Notifications have been added and tested via test cases for artwork approval/denial.