emidombek / uptowngallery

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python+Django based website for a small art gallery business deployed to Heroku
1 stars 2 forks source link

USER STORY: Buyer Flow (High Level Design) #7

Closed emidombek closed 1 year ago

emidombek commented 1 year ago
User Story 1: Explore Artwork
As a buyer, I want to explore available artworks on the platform.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. There is a user-friendly homepage that showcases featured artworks.
2. I can easily navigate to different categories and styles of art.
3. Artwork listings include images, titles, and brief descriptions.
4. Clicking on an artwork takes me to its detailed page with more information.
emidombek commented 1 year ago

Wireframes for buyer flow: https://www.figma.com/file/cf339FWQmbwsZm2SGmMJNE/Art-Gallery-Auction-App-High-Fi?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=ma5591TLzDGKzJuC-1