emidombek / uptowngallery

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python+Django based website for a small art gallery business deployed to Heroku
1 stars 2 forks source link

USER STORY: Seller Flow (High Level Design) #8

Closed emidombek closed 1 year ago

emidombek commented 1 year ago
User Story 1: List Artwork for Sale
As a seller, I want to list my artworks for sale on the platform.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. I have access to a "Sell Artwork" section.
2. I can create listings with artwork details, images, and pricing.
3. Listings can be in auction or fixed-price format.
4. I can set starting bids and reserve prices for auctions.
User Story 2: Manage Artwork Listings
As a seller, I want to manage my existing artwork listings.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. I can edit, update, or remove my listings.
2. I receive notifications when there are bids on my auction listings.
3. For sold items, I receive notifications to prepare for shipping.
User Story 3: Track Sales
As a seller, I want to track the status of my sales.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. There is a "Sales Dashboard" showing sold artworks.
2. I can see buyer information and sale prices.
3. For shipped items, I can provide tracking information.
emidombek commented 1 year ago

Wireframes: https://www.figma.com/file/cf339FWQmbwsZm2SGmMJNE/Art-Gallery-Auction-App-High-Fi?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=ma5591TLzDGKzJuC-0