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Arduino and SignalK - Part 2: Getting your data on the server #4

Open emilecantin opened 6 years ago

emilecantin commented 6 years ago

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emilecantin commented 6 years ago

emilecantin on 2016-8-31 10:09:31: I'll definitely get a GPS at some point, so I'll tackle this in the future. What I had in mind is pretty simple: I'll modify the Arduino code to read whatever interface the GPS is connected on (probably RS232, CAN or SPI), and send it in the same format over the serial interface. On the Raspberry Pi, I'll only have to modify the config object in my node.js program, and that should do it.

I could also get one that has a USB interface and run gpsd; there's already a provider for that in the SignalK repo. Comment imported from Disqus

emilecantin commented 6 years ago

emilecantin on 2016-8-31 10:27:52: Also, there are a few reasons why I don't do everything on the Arduino:

I believe most of these points are moot if you get the more powerful Arduino, though. Comment imported from Disqus

emilecantin commented 6 years ago

Geer on 2016-11-28 15:37:59: Hi, Emile thx for your explanation.
I tried to implement this, but unfortunately not working until now. I'm not a node.js expert, so I'm sure i did something wrong over there. I used the Signal k implementation from openplotter 0.8.0. I assume that the node.js program you created is comparable with /providers/serialport.js and should be placed in the same subdirectory /providers / ?
Then i must add the entry "piped elements" into the /settings/openplotter-settings.json settings file i assume ?
can you explain what should be filled in with : "command": "node "
thanks in advance Comment imported from Disqus

emilecantin commented 6 years ago

Brian R. Pauw on 2016-9-1 04:01:53: The Adafruit "ultimate GPS", which is kind of a nice starter chip, already talks serial (NMEA0183) and spits out its messages once per second by default. It's 9600 baud, so I got that working no problem on a basic Arduino (which also sends the GPS configuration commands to the GPS upon startup).

At the moment, I send this information to three 4-element LED displays: one 14-segment for displaying "Lat[N,S]", "Lon[E,W]" and "UTC", and two seven-segments for displaying the coordinates in (D)DD MM.MM format.

I want to split the functionality though, so that one Arduino sends the signal-k messages, and a Raspberry Pi to listen to the streams of incoming signals and control the displays. This way I can also make independent senders for the humidity, pressure and temperature sensors (I2C), and maybe an additional compass module.

I'll get a MKR1000, and see how far I can get with translating the GPS info... Comment imported from Disqus

emilecantin commented 6 years ago

Abraham Hurtado on 2017-8-15 15:33:41: Thank you so much! I'll check it out :) Comment imported from Disqus

emilecantin commented 6 years ago

Brian on 2016-9-1 09:39:49: As you'll have assumed, I'm not familiar at all with (Node.)JS, rather I'm reasonable in Python programming and a bit ok in Arduino programming :). Different approaches, different needs.

The end goal is to achieve as much as possible using as little as possible in terms of hardware. Interconnecting hardware, in particular on a boat, is a potential weak point for every connection made. Comment imported from Disqus

emilecantin commented 6 years ago

Brian R. Pauw on 2016-8-31 06:49:09: Hi Emile,

I'm wondering if it is possible to use one of these now to directly translate (for example) a GPS signal to a SignalK signal and transmit it onto the boat network. Likewise, I could use another of these to listen in on the network for use as an MFD.

Though it would be nice to have a SignalK Arduino library...

Have you experimented more with this?


Brian. Comment imported from Disqus